Chapter Three

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The computer screen is bright as the application loads. To my father's dismay, it's taken me four months to go through Zola's programming and pick out weaknesses. The programming was way more complicated than I originally thought it was going to be. However, I was able to pick out a few pieces that I think can be strengthened. 

My father told me that my work must be conducted away from prying eyes, so now I work alone in the cryogenesis room. The Soldier in the chamber always keeps me on edge, I feel uneasy working in here. For some reason I always have the feeling that at any moment the Soldier will awaken and break out of the chamber. Though even if that did happen I know Zola's programmed words to make him compliant to me.

I dread the day that I have to wake him up and get him out of the chamber. It won't be for a while yet, but, I'm nervous about it. I don't know what it's going to be like and quite honestly I don't want to look into the eyes of the man who I am destroying. The more I think about what my mission is, the clearer it becomes that I am only fueling Hydra's cruelty and that I am no better than anyone else, for I too am playing an active part now.

The computer application finally loads and I take a moment to poke around and understand how to use it. The application will allow me to run simulations to show how programming will affect someone's mind. There's already a brain scan loaded into the application, I just have to code Zola's programming and upload it. 

Once I have Zola's programming loaded into the application, I then can create my own programming and layer it in the application to show me how the brain will be affected. From there, I will have to awaken the Soldier to implement it in his mind. 

This is all easier said than done, I barely have any computer programming skills. It's going to be entirely difficult to translate Zola's program into computer code. I have faith that I can figure it out but I guarantee I won't do it fast enough to please my father. If he could have it his way this entire mission would have been completed five months ago.

I spend the rest of the day trying to write the code to upload but feel as if I've hit a dead end. This is way over my head. I don't know where to start. I sigh and lean back in the chair, feeling frustrated about it. I know better than to ask someone in our technology sector for help since this is a covert mission.

I look around the room, trying to find some inspiration or hoping that an idea will magically come to me. The cold room offers nothing for inspiration, just old technology. I tap my fingers on the desk the computer sits at, thinking of the options I have. I could continue struggling here, I could give up for the day. Each of these options is sure to make my father mad. He hates if I waste even a second of time. 

I turn the computer off and leave the room, locking it behind me. I tuck the key into my pocket and stare at the floor as I leave the laboratory. I still can't look at anyone in here, not after Leopold.

I get to the hallway and fix my posture, walking with my shoulders back and head held high. There's only one solution to this problem that I can think of; I have to teach myself how to code. I just need a moderate understanding of how it works and then I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out from there. 

I walk to the technology department of the base and see a man sitting at a desk. He looks up at me with tired eyes before he sits up straight and changed his demeanor. 

"Miss Averina, what an unexpected surprise. What can I do for you today?" He asks in a fake cheerful tone. I smile at him,

"I would like some materials pertaining to code writing." I keep my request short and sweet. The man raises an eyebrow, 

"Code writing? You weren't placed in the technology division, why do you need that material?" He questions. Though he has a fair point, I can't tell him. I quickly make up an excuse, 

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