Chapter Four

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I stare at the screen in great disbelief. I replay the simulation for the fourth time and get the same results. I've done it. I quickly save the file to the thumb drive and stand from my chair with haste. I grab the room's key before I leave, and lock the door behind me as I do every time I leave the room. I tuck the key into my back pocket and make my way to my father's office. 

I know he's been expecting this for weeks now and that I've already slightly disappointed him by taking this long. But, this mission was tougher than I anticipated. I had to learn Zola's programming and understand it down to the most minute detail and then I had to teach myself how to code. Not only that, but find a way to translate a psychological conditioning protocol into a computer program. That's easier said than done but I know father expected me to do it all quickly. 

I just can't believe I got it to work, especially since my computer programming skills are below a rudimentary level. I think an experienced programmer should have been involved, but I know father wouldn't risk anyone else finding out about this mission. He's convinced that this mission will be the one to define his career, perhaps even his life.

My hands shake as I knock on his door. I hear the conversation inside cease and footsteps approach the door. I interlock my fingers in front of me, wanting to keep up appearances for whoever else might be inside father's office. The door opens and I'm met with my father's face. He looks at me quizzically as he lets me step inside. I see Dane is also here, sitting in the chair in front of the desk. I look back to my father and slightly nod my head as a greeting. 

"I think you will be pleased to hear that your request has been finalized." I say, not knowing if Dane is aware of what my mission is. I see my father's face break into a wide smile, something I've only ever seen once before. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, 

"I knew you could do it. There is no time to waste, I will prepare an audience and we will have the presentation as soon as possible. In the meantime, you need to prepare your speech. Don't worry about the equipment, we will have people to move that for you. Make sure the equipment is working properly as well, we cannot afford any mistakes." My father says, taking his arm back at the end of his spiel. I nod my head, understanding what I am to do next. 

"Oh, and also, it would not be a bad idea to get the asset out and make sure he is presentable. He hasn't been out in who knows how long, he probably needs to be freshened up." I nod, but feel my palms start to sweat. He wants me to bring the Soldier out of cryogenesis before I implement the programming? I sure am no expert, but I can't imagine that's terribly safe.

My father dismisses me and I make my way back to the Soldier's room. Besides my room, this has been my only quiet safe haven in this entire base. Not even Dane bothers me here, it's quite nice sometimes. But I can't help but feel uneasy knowing there is an elite assassin being kept only a few feet away at all times. Now I have to get that trained assassin out, I'm sure this will go over smoothly. 

I place the room's key on the desk next to the computer, as I always do. I wipe my palms on my pants and try to figure out a game plan. I don't know when this presentation is going to take place, but I know it's likely to be within a week. My father will want to waste no time in showcasing his newest feat. 

I could always just prepare my speech now and worry about getting the Soldier out of containment later. Or I could get the Soldier out of cryogenesis now and worry about the speech later. Both are very daunting tasks. If my speech isn't correct I know I'll face punishment. If something goes wrong with the asset, I'm likely to either end up dead or face punishment. I sigh and run a hand through my hair, deciding to just flip a coin to decide. 

I rummage around one of the desk drawers and find an old coin inside, stuck to the bottom of the drawer. I pry it off the bottom and look it over, the two faces of the coin are still distinguishable, so this should work. I designate each side to an outcome, if it's heads I'll write my speech first, and if it's tails I'll get the Soldier out first. I balance the coin on the side of my pointer finger and keep my thumbnail under it. I take a quick breath and flip the coin, letting it fall to the floor. 

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