the plan

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kate's pov

for practically the whole morning I just sat in bed thinking about how to convince my siblings to go along with my idea of not having the boys come. and then I got the perfect idea invite them out to lunch and I talk about it and list all the bad reasons, well if I know my siblings I know that they would not want to go out public to a restaurant so Chick-fil-A perfect idea and i'm also craving it because i ran up stairs instead of eating the breakfast my dad made. so i decided i was going to text in our group chat

the trippys

kate sacco
do u guy wanna go to chick fil a i have to as u something.

eva sacco
sure i'm hungry what do u have to ask why can't u come into our rooms

kate sacco
it's about our party and i really need to get out of the house me and mom got into a fight

eva sacco
alright bet let me just use the bathroom i'll meet u in your car

kate sacco
ok but on real note where tf is nick

nick sacco
i'm here just reading from afar but i'm down to go

kate sacco
oml your such a loser come down to my car

i started to walk down stairs just my dad questions where I'm going
"we are going to chick fil a be back in a little you want anything"
"no i'm fine ask your mother" he replies
"i'm all set with that one i'm not talking to her for the rest of the day" "are you really that mad about have a few extra guest that you won't ask your mother if she wants food" as i'm about to reply i called this saved by the sister as eva starts to walk down that stairs asking if i'm ready to go we just walk out the door and i have my keys to my red jeep as eva questions
"where's nick i though he was coming"
"he's already in the car told him to wait for my in there" we get in the car and nicks already on aux playing are favorite songs as of right now the car ride there was short we only live about 10 minutes away from our local chick fil a we get in the drive through and goes by super quick for how long of a line there was, we order are stuff and pulled up to the window to pay i insisted on paying for my siblings because after all i was the one who invited them to come. i payed and pulled into a parking spot neer by and started to pull out are food, everyone is situated with there food and drinks so i decided i was going to drop the bomb and ask
"so are party's next weekend and mom said that jack wasn't going to come unless he could bring some of his friends from hockey" i look at them and they can read me like a book and tell what's up
"so that why you and mom were in a fight this morning i heard u guys while i was trying to sleep" nick speaks up
"yep it's so unfair i do not want them coming" i say
"well i mean who would come i don't have a problem with them coming" eva says
"yeah that would be lit if they were there i can tell the def know how to party" nick states and fun fact i actually don't even know what friends jack would bring
"let me text him and ask" i say annoyed because i really don't want them coming but i can tell nick does because he wants to party with them but i can't read why eva wants them to come


hey jack we are talking about your friend coming to the party but quick question which ones are coming?

sup i think trevor, alex and cole

i leave him on open to talk it over with me sibling "he said trevor, alex and cole" and eva's face lit up
"omg shut up they so hot they have to come" me and nick roll are eyes because of course theirs no way change eva mind now they are hot so she obviously wants them to come so she can hook up with one of them. eva is a bit boy crazy like a new boy every week crazy, nick has been in a relationship for almost 2 years with this girl elise she so nice we knew her through her sister because she's apart of our friend group but the girl nicks dating is a year older than him but that hasn't stopped him, and for me i'm more of a flirt like to settle down and have a relationship but tease along the way.
i just sigh because now there no way to change my siblings minds about having them come
"but think about it the only thing people with talk about are how they are going to the NHL, not even that fact that eva you're going to Plymouth State and you're going to be on the cheer team as a freshman which is amazing and that Nick you're going to do a year of juniors in the EHL that awesome" i say
"yeah but there still hot" i hear eva mumble
"are you out of your mind kate i highly doubt that people with talk about them are our grad party and if they do it's still our party we can just kick them out" nick says i guess he has a point i sigh
"fine i guess they can come"
as we are no finished with our food we made are way home and right as we are pulling into the front gate eva says
"would you really not want jack to come?"
"oh shut up eva" i say as i shut my car off and we start to walk into the house we all parted and went into our rooms and i remembered that i left jack on opened i should text him back


i guess your friends can come :)

perfect kate ily, see u in a week

yep see you in a week

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