first hockey game of the season

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i'm currently driving in the car with trevor to go get our weekly dunkin'.
"hey, so you know how like it's the boys first game tonight" trevor says
"yes i do trevor is not like you haven't mentioned it to me like a billion times" i say with a giggle
"well i want you to wear my away jersey, just si the fans from BC know your mine" he says
i start to get all red am i his? i mean we never discuss this I like him and he likes me I'm pretty sure but we haven't put labels on anything.
"sure trevor i would love to" i say
"i'm yours eh" i say after a long pause, now pulling into the dunkin parking lot parking and then looking at trevor.
"only if you want to be" he says
"well i would love to be" i say as trevor leans on to give me a quick peck.


later that day.

i'm sitting in my dorm with alex vlassic one of trevor's really good friend from hockey.
"so are u going yo follow the theme tonight for the game?" alex asked
"what! there a theme what is it?" i asked
"it's Hawaiian so get your grass skirt and your leas and look like you just came back from a trip to hawaii" alex say
"sorry but not sorry that can't be fulfilled" i say
"and why is that kate" alex asked
"because trevor my or may not have asked me to wear his jersey so the BC fans knew i was his" i say
"SHUT UP NO WAY" alex screams. alex has always been me and trevor biggest supporters so i'm not surprised with this reaction.
"dude, you know that basically mean your married." alex say
"shut up bro that doesn't mean we are married"
i say
"kate he wants you to wear his jersey so people know your his... are u dumb?" alex's say
"hey that was rude" i say back trying to make it seem like i was actually offended
"ok i'm sorry but damn kids whipped for you." alex says.
"alright i have to go head to the rink, see you there mrs.zegras" alex says leaving me room and my phone starts to ding.


ok go to my dorm and head into my closet and my jersey should be in there and u better wear it.

don't worry trevor i'm ready to wear zegras on my back for a game

i like that

like what?

you having my last name

goodbye trevor will i see you after the game?


i start to head to trevor's room with haylee because we will go straight to the rink from here
"i can't believe he asked you to wear his jersey" haylee says
"i know me either but the way he asked was so sweet" i say
"can see it already kevor the ship" haylee says
"omg haylee please never say that in front of anyone in public" i say laughing. i grabbed his jersey and me and haylee made out way to my car to start to head to the rink. we got to the rink in not time and we walked in and payed for our ticket. we start head deeper into the rink as i feel a hand tapping on my shoulder. i turn around and see an awkward boy with dirty blonde hair standing in front of me.
"hey are you kate sacco?" he asked
"yeah i am.. i'm sorry but do we know eachother" i ask out of Curiosity
"well i mean we haven't properly met but i'm matt but you can all me boldy everyone does" he says
"so matt/boldy how come we haven't properly met yet?" i ask
"i played usa hockey with trevor and jack and all of them" he says
"i knew your name sounded familiar" i say
"hey why aren't you in the locker rooms there about to go out for warmups" i follow up
"shit i was trying to find the Athletic trainer I needed her to tape my finger before we went on for warm-ups. but i couldn't find her shit" he says
"ok matt it's ok you just head back to the locker room and i'll look for her and send her to you when i do. i mean it won't be that hard rogers arena isn't that big" i say
"thank you so much kate.... your a life saver" he says walking away and i head to maria's office to see if she's there.
"hey maria there a kid on BC who needs his finger taped he's waiting in the locker room i told him to wait for you if that ok" i say
"ok perfect i'll be heading down now thank you kate" she says
"you welcome maria" i say back now heading to the stands to find haylee.

of course everyone the school just decides they wanna sit on the other side of arena for the fan section and sense BC is one of the biggest rivalries and the School is super close basically there a whole fan section comes and not to mention that it's the first game of the season so let's just say their fan section is pretty big and now i'm going to have to walk by them all alone wearing trevor's jersey fuck me man.
i hear a boy from the BC fan section cat call at me god i hate all men
"shit max that zegras' new girl" i hear another boy say
"yeah so what she's hot as fuck" the boy who I am presuming is max says
"ew no max she's probably a 5 on a good day pulling a 20/10" i hear a girl say as now i can't hear what any of them are saying anymore because i'm too far away. but i have now found haylee and i made it right in time because right when i found her is when the lights started to dim and when the lights dim that means that the boys are heading out for warmups.

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