"we need to send a photo to jack"

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kate's pov

we have now arrived at the party And it's basically just bodies getting thrown around all over the place with loud music going on in the background don't get me wrong parties are my setting but something about this felt so weird. we had now split from the boys and it was me and Haylee went to the kitchen to grab a drink.

a few shots and by a few i mean alot and some drinks along the way i'm getting to know a bunch of people who i will be going to school with needless to say i have probably have to meet them again and probably remember them. i am now drunk and i would say that i'm a pretty good drunk i'm not messy i'm pretty calm actually the only thing is that i stumble like a lot so i though "i can't make a bad first impression to everyone here that I am sloppy and cant even handle a few drinks" so i decided i was going to head to the living room of the house to hopefully not break anything and sit and try to sober up on the couch.

on my way over to the living room i get stopped and see that a gorgeous man had stopped me
"hey you like really fucking hot" he says
"i could say the same about you" i say
"i'm jake, here follow me i know where we can get some privacy" jake says grabbing my hand and pulling me up stairs

as me and jake get into the room closing the door behind us i say
"oh yeah my names kate"
"cool" is the only response i get back from he as our lips now collide and that kiss turning into a heaving make out session. my back is against the door as jake is standing infront of me, i feel my feet sorta get lighter making it known that jake wants to hold me up, i let him and his hands slowly make his way down to my ass i'm not going to lie it is really hot when guys touch my ass in a non creepy way. i feel my back press off of the door and realize that jake is now bring me to his bed i figured this was his room and he played football by the many posters around the room. jake is now standing over me continuing to kiss me but getting very sloppy now that i'm thinking about it, it's gross on how he is kissing me and i'm not turned off and need to get out of this room.

knock, knock

we hear as jake now gets off of me and i stand up quickly not wanted that to continue any long than it already has. jake goes to the door and there's a blonde girl standing there not one that i have met yet.
"sorry if i interrupted anything" she says looking at us awkwardly standing there "kyle sent me up here he said you had a juul charger i could use"
"uh yeah um here" jake says making he way over to his night stand to plug this girls juul in
"thanks" she said now leaving
"ok so uh where were we" jake says making his way over to me
"i uh i gotta um uh throw up.. yeah i feel like i'm about to be sick right now so uh where's that bathroom?" i say as a complete lie know that i'm feeling perfectly fine
"go down stairs it to the left" i reply with a nod
"will i see you later" jake says trying to get into my pants
"um probably not but you never know jake" i say back now leaving the room and heading down stair to the living room where i was supposed to be in the first place before i got sidetracked into whatever that was. i was walking down the stair and i see a familiar face emma
"oh kate trevor was looking for you i don't even know why but he was he told me to tell you to go to the living room" she says annoyed
"oh ok i'm was making my way down there now" i say as i have now reached the living room

trevor's pov

we had arrived at the party and i lost everyone and met new people too but i was wanting to talk to kate tonight as soon as a blonde chick pulls me over
"hi i'm emma i don't think we formally met" she says with her hand out
"trevor nice to meet you, your kate saccos roommate right?" i say
"uhh yeah i am but trevor babe as the long day i have known her she seems... boring" she says but i know what she's doing she's trying to get with me but i'm not interested i just wanna talk to kate
"oh emma thanks for the help just send kate to the living room when you find her please" i say as emma just rolls her eyes and walks away, she stops at the stair case but i can't make out who she is talking to. then there she is, there's the girl i have been looking for this whole night.

kate's pov

emma just came over to me telling trevor was in the living room waiting from so i continued to walk down the stairs and my eyes meet with the very boy as he's watching my every move.

i make my way to the couch trevor's on and sit next to him as his arm pulls me closer to him giving me the chills as i look up at his face and he's already looking down at me. we make eye contact and hold it for what felt like hours until one of us broke
"why don't you say let's get out of here" trevor speaks up, and just with the sound of his voice makes me melt
"i'd like that idea" i say back.


me and trevor are walking back to the dorms and starting to get to know eachother more kinda like a ice breaker.
"so uh oh i got when did you start playing hockey" he asks
"literally right when i came out the womb my dad was putting us on the ice" i say
"ok wha—" trevor starts but i cut him off
"hey it's my turn, what's your favorite color?" i say
"come on kate you have to ask more interesting questions but it's blue" trevor says
"ok ok let me try again. what is one hobby you wanna learn how to do" i ask
"now there's the good questions, huh maybe surfing you know probably spend a lot of time at the beach when i move to cali so i don't think it'll be hard" trevor says confidently and now we have made it back to trevor's dorm room
"ok my turn, what is one thing you wanna do right now?" trevor asks 
"like right now, right now" i say
"yes like right now"
"idk" i say as i take a step forward now looking up at trevor "probably kiss you" i say
"well i'm glad we are think the same thing" he says with a smirk as she grabs the side of my right cheek and pulls me into a passionate kiss like he was hungry for it.

trevor lifts me up so now that my legs wrapped around his waist pulling us deeper into each other. trevor brings me over to his bed and sit me down just as he standing in front of me, it's gets more and more intense as now trevor has moved down to my neck surely going to leave some marks tomorrow morning. trevor got on the bed and was about to take his shirt off before i said
"we need to send a photo to jack" as trevor laughs and i reach into my back pocket to grab my phone to take a photo
i took the photo but trevor was too busy too look at the camera as i open my and jacks texts


look who i'm with

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look who i'm with.....

i send the text and now put my phone down to look at a very inpatient trevor, we continue to what we were doing and let's just say we made some magic..... but i mean who know i might not even remember this in the morning i thought

*the next morning*

i wake up with a pounding headache and big bear arms wrapped around my remembering the night i had last night and not regretting it one bit hoping trevor doesn't. i look around the room and see 3 beds unslept in and my phone thrown across the room, i get up slowly trying not to wake trevor and see the i am in a big over sized t-shirt  i smile to myself but wrap it up quickly as i go to get my phone i look over at a sleeping trevor and how hot he looks, then down at my phone.

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OKIE sook i hope you guys like this i kinda rushed at the end to get this done that's why it kinda sucks but i literally had to force myself to write but idk so you guys should like leave suggestions for what I should put in the next chapters because like I honestly have no clue so yeah byeeeee

it all started with a grad party(tz story)Where stories live. Discover now