"god this is why i don't trust you"

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kate pls tell me this is a joke

you guys didn't hook up

wtf answer

omfg your probably getting fucked rn by my best friend


i'm booking a flight rn

god this is why i don't trust you

he's just going to use you i hope you know that

kate's pov

my phone was blown up with a bunch of texts from jack im not going to lie i have never seen jack blow up on my like that but at that same time i don't really care.
"well good morning to you" trevor say sleepily god his morning voice is so hot
"good morning trevor" i say as i walk back over to get into the bed and trevor pulls me in to cuddle. we were just laying ther enjoying the cuddles until i speak up
"jack texted me"
"oh really well what did he say about the photo" trevor replies as i showed him mine and jacks text.
"FUCK" trevor screamed
"jack going to fucking hate me" he said after
"he literally never going to talk to be again" i said now standing up from the bed
"ok trevor i have to go back to my room i'll text if jack says anything else" i said
"okay yeah" trevor says now standing up quickly to open the door for me.
"thank you trevor, i really had an amazing night" i said happily and grabbing me stuff
"no problem kate i lots of fun too, oh and also i'll text you if jack ever texts me" he says
"ok goodbye trevor"
"goodbye kate" trevor replies with shutting the door and now i'm taking the walk of shame back to my dorm then i see body's layed over the one single couch in the common room and i noticed it was trevor's roommates i was hoping i could just walk by and they wouldn't notice me but no
"hey kate are you done in there" one of them says stopping me in my tracks
"yeah i'm done" i respond
"alright bet"
"finally my bed" i hear them say as i continue back to me dorm.

i walk in and see that no one's in there so i just wanna make sure that my new roommates are ok so i text in the group chat making sure i ignore jack texts and don't accident press on his contact


kate sacco
hey i slept out did you guys too? i'm back at the dorm now and you guys aren't here

haylee blinkhorn
yes i did i'll be back in like 10 minutes

emma macdonald
yes i went to my sisters apartment i'll be back by lunch.

i clicked out of there conversation and went to jacks normally i wouldn't care but i just really can't believe that he said he doesn't trusted me, because that really hurt.


ok look jack im sorry but you can't keep me from seeing who ever i wanna see so i'm sorry but not really sorry at all. and fuck you for saying that u never trust me because i know for sure that jack from 2 months ago would have so.

i left it at that and needed to shower.

okkk so ik this is short but idk should i do shorter story's and like post more often or just do what i have been doing and just updating when with longer chapters. let me know!!

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