Chapter 28: Dementor

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On the Hogwarts express, making our way back to school. This time we found that most of the sitting areas were full, leaving us to sit with someone who is sleeping.

The trip seems to be normal for awhile before, the train stops but we're not at the Hogwarts stop yet. The glass to the outside starts to fog up as the train's environment starts to cool down.

It was getting dark and cold. So, I subconsciously moved closer towards Harry who is sitting next to me, for warmth.

Next thing we knew, there was this floating black, skeleton thing, that opens our door and it starts to target Harry. His face becomes a bit blurred as what I was later told, that it was trying to steal his soul.

With my closeness to Harry I was hit a bit too. I felt all of my happiness drain as I started to feel like I would never be happy again. Luckily though, the man sleeping springs up and uses magic to get rid of it.

I felt a bit drained from the experience but Harry was knocked out by it. I made sure he didn't fall down, going to lay him on the sit as I stand up. Only to immediately need to sit back down from the lack of energy and faintness I felt from standing. So, I stay seated and just keep Harry leant against my shoulder.

It was after the man who is actually our new DADA professor, came back and gave us chocolates, that I found out what they are.

Dementors, the guards of the magic prison, Azkaban. They suck people's souls out of them with a Dementor's kiss. Effectively leaving them as an empty shell of themselves. Cursed to walk around in that state till they die.

That is horrible and I could have been become one, with Harry.
Bonus scene
While getting off the train and heading to the castle for the great feast. Harry and I were being constantly watched by Hermione and Ron, ensuring we were definitely fine.

"Are you two sure you're fine?" I hear a voice say from a bit away.

I almost thought they were talking about Harry and I, until I turned to see Riddle and Winter looking a bit pale like us.

Did a Dementor attack them too?

"Honestly, we're fine." Winter answers a worried looking Emily and slightly concerned Prince.

"The spell worked and that's all that matters." Riddle adds as she lightly nibbles on some chocolate.

Spell? Like the one our new professor performed.

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