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Louis woke up to the feeling of hand stroking his, he vaguely remembers what happened, His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was a white ceiling, he tried to pry his hands away from Harry's who immediately looked up with wide eyes, "Baby. You're awake." He whispers as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Seconds later Louis' wrapped in a hug and the taller man is sobbing in his arms. "Thought I lost you...gave me a fucking scare. I'm never leaving your side ever."

"Is that a new promise you are going to break?" He whispers tiredly and Harry tenses before backing away, "What?" Louis laughs bitterly, his hand reaching upto the bandage around his head, "This is what it took you to get back together with me, huh Harry? All it took was my life at risk and you are already here instead of being at your wedding? Why do you care anyways? Should've let me die it's not like you loved me, that's what you said wasn't it? That you've never loved me."

"Do not carelessly talk about dying, Louis!" He says with wide eyes and Louis just scoffs, "Let me tell you one thing, for the past seven years I've lived in agony, pure pain because of you. Last night we slept together after so many years only for you to fuck off right in the morning. What would've happened to me in the past seven years while you were not by my side Harry? Have you ever thought about it? What if I died in the past, huh what if I got into a terrible acciden—"

"That's enough! I know I am an asshole for lying to you and breaking up with you. But do not talk about yourself in a situation which I can't even think what to do if something happens to you. You don't know the reason why I left you! You don't know how painful it's for me as well to watch you from so far and do absolutely nothing about it! Do you really think it's all good and dandy to watch the love of my life crashing his head against a fucking rock which would've caused him his life!"

"I don't know the reason because you never told me! How the fuck am I suppose to know it when you-you refuse to fucking speak to me about it. You don't know half the pain I've suffered, I watched you showing your admiration towards another right in front of my eyes! I've watched you almost wedded to someone else! I laid my heart out for you and you stepped on it every time." Louis sobs feeling angry, so much anger that his tears couldn't even stop.

"Let me tell—"

"Louis! My goodness, darling!" Came Gloria's voice, Harry saw his mother with shocked eyes, "Weren't you in France? And couldn't attend my wedding?" He asks only to get ignored as the woman who birthed him steps across the room to hold Louis who immediately sulks in her motherly embrace. His tears wetting the silk she worn.

"My love, are you okay? I'm sorry, Lou. Does your head hurt?" She asks caressing his back, he shakes his head and sniffles, "I'm okay mom, just tell your son to get out because I can't watch his face right now."


"Get out Harry. Go bring us something to eat or drink. What do you want, love?" She asks to Louis who shakes his head, "I'm fine. Just bring the doctor for me."

"How careless can you be! He just woke up and you decided to start your screaming match with him! Idiot you should've called for the doctor instead. Go Harry do it!" She says with narrow eyes and Harry nods before staring at Louis who was looking back at him,

"He's an idiot. I swear I birthed an absolute idiot. Does your head hurt?" She asks gently and Louis shakes his head, "No, how are you, mom?" Her green eyes brighten, "Just as fine as I can be. How are you doing though? Look at those bags, make my son suffer and then end up with him alright?" She says and Louis giggles because he's missed her, even after their breakup Gloria and Louis stayed in contact because the woman refused to let go Louis because he was her son whether they broke up or not.

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