*Chapter 1*

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I used to be very happy.

I had many friends, was always fed, and had a roof over my head.

Most importantly I was loved.

I had the most amazing parents in the world.

Their names were: Fiona and Samuel.

They would always be there for me, especially when I had a rough day.

I remember there was a time back when I was 5 years old, a girl in my kindergarten class would always be very mean to me.

Her name was Kate.

She would steal my school supplies, always take my glue and scissors without asking for my permission when it was arts and crafts time.

She would cut my hair and put glue all over my desk.

She was indeed very rude.

One day, she took things too far and took my box of crayons and snapped each one of them in half.

"Kate, stop breaking my crayons!", I cried as I tried to grab her arm to stop but she just shoved me back and I fell off my chair.

I ran to the bathroom to cry in private.

I cried and cried and cried so much, my eyes turned red and puffy.

The teacher didn't even notice my absence from the classroom.

But at the end of the day I finally got out the bathroom for dismissal.

I decided to take action.

"Mom, a girl named K-Kate broke all my c-crayons", I told my mom as I began to cry once again.

She then hugged me and said," Tomorrow we will go straight to the principles office and make sure that girl gets suspended. For now, we will go buy you a brand new box of crayons", My mom Fiona told me as we drove to a nearby Dollar tree store to buy new crayons.

Later that day we also got ice cream and later went to the park, I had so much fun the rest of that day.

And I have to admit, that was one of my favorite memories I have with her.

Well, at least the afternoon part.

The next day we did go to the principles office and told him what happened.

Kate ended up getting suspended for a whole entire week!

But fortunately after that day, I never actually ever saw that girl again.

I just assumed that her family moved away, I was glad to never see her again.

Overall, my parents were incredible and I was glad they were a part of my life.

That was until the building they were working in caught on fire.

My mom was a nurse, my father was a doctor.

So many deaths happened that day, considering that they work in a hospital full of patients.

That's when everything changed for me.

I became an orphan at the young age of 6.

Lets just say being an orphan was not easy.

I spent years and years wondering if I was ever going to get adopted, soon losing all hope.

There was a bully in the orphanage around the age of 10.

The mean girl, Sabrina, would always treat the kids poorly, and I wasn't gonna tolerate that type of behavior.

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