-california summer

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Levi's pov

I sipped my iced coffee happily as I walked beside Mikasa and my auntie Akira and uncle Amais towards their SUV. I was incredibly grateful to them for being kind enough to not only pick me up from the airport but also take me in as if I were their own child.

"So Levi, you still like to longboard, right?" My aunt said uncertainly.

"Of course I do! I... uh.... Well I don't have a board right now 'cause Kenny kinda sold it." I said awkwardly.

"Oh Levi- I'm so sorry. God i wish I was surprised that my brother would do that but...well he's always been like that." My uncle Amais said bitterly.

I simply shrugged and looked at my feet as we walked.

"Tch, it's fine, really. He could've done worse."

He had done worse. He had done so much worse. But I wouldn't ever admit that to anyone of course.

"Well can I buy you a new one then?? If you don't want me to that's fine but we could say it's a 'welcome to the states' gift! Then you can go see all the cool places there are to longboard! It's something you and Mikasa could do together if you ever get bored." My aunt Akira said.

"Oh auntie you really don't have to-"
"No no I want to, Levi. I want to make sure you're able to enjoy your time here!" My aunt insisted.

"I mean... I guess it would be nice..." I said reluctantly. I always felt guilty receiving gifts, but my aunt seemed so excited about it so I felt bad turning her offer down as well.

"Ahh yay!! You're gonna love it here, Levi!" My aunt exclaimed. 


She wasn't exactly wrong, but she wasn't right either. After all, how was someone supposed to enjoy themselves when they had to attend a new school where everyone was way too nosy, you have loads of homework constantly while also having to work on becoming a US citizen?

I had spent the entire school year speaking only when absolutely necessary. I didn't join any clubs, participate in any school sports, nothing. I avoided the people from my school like the plague.

But in the end it had all been alright, and I honestly hadn't hated life.

But all of that was last year.

Yeah. It had been a year since I moved to the United States and it was now my final summer break before I began to get my degree in art at the Scout Regiment University in Los Angeles California.

I planned to try my best to enjoy the last two weeks of this summer.


I sat alone in my unnecessarily large room drawing lazy sketches as the sun began to set outside my window. It was so nice and peaceful... that is until Mikasa kicked my door open, causing me to rip the page of paper i was drawing on.

"Oi- Mikasa what the hell!" I said as I looked up at her, but as I did i quickly realized why she had been so aggressive. Because outside my door was not only Mikasa, but also her best friends Eren and Armin. Oh this was just fantastic.

"Oh come on don't tell me they're all here!" I said with a sigh. I knew what the answer would be.

"C'mon Levi, you know it's good for you to go outside sometimes! You don't need to sit alone in your room all day. Now get your ass up and lets go!"

Mikasa turned and headed downstairs out of my wing of the house. This always happened at least once a week. Mikasa would barge in with Armin and Eren close behind her and they would drag me along with them outside to meet up with Mikasa's bigass friend group outside and we would longboard/skateboard or rollerblade/skate (whatever we were feeling like that day) around the boardwalk as the sun went down.

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