-stars can't shine through light pollution

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Erwin's pov

I had never been so mercilessly rejected before in my life. If I was being honest it really did sting a little.
I stood there absolutely dumbfounded as the short raven haired boy replied. I was a bit shocked by his thick accent, I couldn't tell what the accent was though. But his words soon struck and I completely forgot to be shocked about the accent.

"Let me think about it... yeah uhhhh no. Go ahead and fuck off, eyebrows."

His sister, friend, relative of some sort, I don't know, but whatever she was to him she was apologizing for him. While giving him a nasty look that clearly said 'why the hell would you do that?'
She actually looked quite scary. Her grey eyes were furious as she gave the raven-haired boy a silent lecture with nothing more than a glare.

"I'm sorry about him- he holds grudges and his first language isn't English so he might not have understood exactly what you said. Sorry again!" The goth girl apologized profusely. The raven haired boy gave her a seething look that was honestly a even scarier than the one she carried herself.

He was short yeah, really short, but his icy grey eyes were beautifully terrifying. It was impossible to tell what his body type was since he was wearing super baggy clothes, but I assumed he was probably scrawny since he was so small. He didn't look like he could actually be much of a threat, but neither did Hange.
I had learned the hard way that just because someone hides behind baggy clothes doesn't mean that they're not able to knock you out with a single blow.

"again, sorry about him!" The girl said as she elbowed the raven haired boy roughly.
Of course I was a bit offended by the way the boy had spoken to me, but obviously I couldn't let that show. That would be incredibly embarrassing, especially since he seemed so unfazed by the whole situation.

"It's fine, no biggie." I said with a forced yet fairly convincing smile. I quickly turned and walked back to Hange, Miche and Moblit who were waiting for me on the boardwalk. I felt as if my face were burning with embarrassment as I returned to them.
"Ooooh Erwin was that your first time getting rejected?" "
Damn dude that was cold"
my friends said teasingly and I felt my cheeks get a bit more red from embarrassment.

"Hey- Isn't that Mikasa Ackerman? Like the captain of the Maria High School volleyball team? I've seen her be the reason that team demolished our team multiple times before. Oh that must be her cousin! Apparently he just came here from Japan last year." Moblit said matter-of-factly.

"Moblit how do you even know all of that? That's so weird." Miche said with a frown that furrowed his bushy eyebrows.

"It's not weird! I'm just observant! And... well uh my friend Petra transferred to Maria last year and she kept talking about 'how hot the new Ackerman was' and how 'his goth cousin needed to stop hiding him away'." Moblit continued.
"But...by the looks of it Mikasa wasn't the one keeping him hidden away, guess he just hates everyone." Moblit finished with a shrug as he glanced back at the Ackermans.

I really didn't like that last bit.
'I guess he just hates everyone'
That's so unfair. Who knows what that guy has been through to give him such a cold act? I hate when they just say shit like that...
I thought to myself with annoyance as we began to walk away from the Ackermans who were now bickering quietly.

"Hey- actually now that you say all of that... Erwin do you remember the angry short guy that got on our plane last year when we had a layover in Japan? I think it's the same guy!" Hange said enthusiastically, causing strands of their out-of-control brunette hair to fall into their face.

I simply smiled and nodded in response. I glanced over my shoulder as we walked away from the Ackermans and couldn't help but admire how pretty Mikasa's cousin was when the golden colors from the setting sun hit his pale skin like that. Even though he was saying something furiously in a language that I couldn't understand

Lost boy | EruriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora