-emotional whirlwinds

81 6 44

!!!CW/TW!!! Panic/anxiety attack

Levi's pov

The moment Mikasa's friends left the house she dragged me into the extravagant living room and stood before me with her arms crossed, tapping her foot on the ground rapidly with annoyance.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap

It wasn't long before the wretched sound of her foot rapidly tapping the floor began to annoy me and pushed me over the edge. If I didn't let her scold me soon the repetitive sound would surely drive me insane.
I rolled my eyes and sat down on the white sofa behind me. I crossed my arms and glanced up at Mikasa, who still towered in front of me with a frustrated look in her silvery-grey eyes.

"What's the big deal?" I said blankly. I knew exactly what the 'big deal' was. And she wasn't  exactly wrong to be angry with me for it.

"Levi, you can not keep being rude like that! If you do that when you're at Uni you're not gonna have me to help you get out of it. And I'm sure you can protect yourself but if you mess with the wrong people who knows what will happen!" Mikasa scolded. Her grey eyes burned into mine. Her dark brows furrowed in a way that would've put any average person on edge, but every Ackerman carried that look, and I was all too used to it.

Something about her angered expression felt so familiar. The way her grey eyes held kindness yet annoyance, the way you could feel her frustration through her gaze; yet despite it all you knew she was just worried for you. Everything about this felt like deja vu.

Then I realized what was so familiar. She was starting to look like my mom. A lot.
That realization made it hard to speak without letting my voice break, but I managed to control my voice as I spoke.

"Mikasa, I'll be fine. I survived having uncle Kenny throw me out to the streets for days at a time when I was fourteen. I think I can handle some assholes at an American university." I said through gritted teeth.

"And what about your roommate? What if you end up really pissing them off and they decide to mess up your life? It wouldn't be hard for them to drug something you drink, or ruin a ton of your stuff? Maybe steal from you? What then, Levi?!" Mikasa said frustratedly.

I hated to admit it, but she had a point. I sat in silence and pondered her harsh words for a few moments. I looked down and clasped and unclasped my hands in my lap as I thought about how to respond.

"Tch, I know you're right. I just don't even know where to begin to fix myself." I said finally with an annoyed sigh as I leaned back into the suffocatingly fluffy couch.

"Well for starters you can stop cussing out random strangers when they're apologizing to you," Mikasa said with soft a laugh.

My grey eyes shot back up to her and I furrowed my brow with annoyance as I watched her laugh.
"Oh whatever, Ika." I said with a scoff.
I pushed myself off of the couch and walked towards my room grudgingly. I wanted to be alone to let myself think this over for a bit.

"Oh and Levi! Mom got you that longboard you were eyeballing the other day, it's in your room by the door. Just so you know." Mikasa called as I reached the foot of the dark stairs.

I stopped at the base of the stairs and glanced over my shoulder at Mikasa once before sighing and nodding.

"Oh, I told her she didn't have to- dammit. Thanks, Mikasa"
l quickly headed up into my room. As soon as I reached the door I stopped and sighed. Sure enough there was the longboard. I frowned and grabbed it, admiring the black and white koi fish design as I slipped into my room and gently kicked the door shut behind me.

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