why does this happen to me?!

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got some tea to spill today!

so remember when I got in trouble for the memes? well, I got in trouble (kinda) again today

so I sat by this boy, I'll call him Dean, because it's both close and not close to his name. so anyway me and this kid argue A LOT. not like yelling, just debates. I hate this little puta so much.

so I'm pretty sure a lot of schools have Chromebooks right? well, mine was open when this happened. me and him were arguing about the whole "ur dad left you lol" thing. he ended up shutting my computer halfway. and OF COURSE, I got mad at him. I hate that little sh!t and I want to punch him so, so badly. so I got mad and put his computer on this heater thing I sit by. and so as he walks over, he tries to shut my computer. keyword tries. as he reaches out, I put my hand there to stop him. his dumbass pushes it so hard the screen breaks. and I don't mean just a little no-no-no I mean half the F8cking screen is just glitched out and the rest is just black. so I just start shouting at him. and when I'm mad I sometimes start crying, and I did start to cry. within 10 seconds everyone starts to look at our table. I show my teacher the screen and how messed up it is and she tells me to go take it to the office. so I tell one of the office ladies what happened and she tells me to sit down.  I swear those office ladies are too nice. one of my favorite kinds of school workers. I sat in that chair for what felt like 20 minutes. while I was there, these teachers were talking about how they thought something died in one of the cupboards.  thank god I couldn't smell it.  so FINALLY after a while, the office lady asks me which class I'm in so they can talk to Dean. I tell them and they call him down. so we sit there for a mintue or two and one of the office ladies tells us to come in this little room. we basically talk about what happened, Dean started crying (he'd been crying before apparently according to my friend) and then the office lady tells me to go sit outside again. so i sit there, she calls me back in, she tells me i might get an office referal or something, and i go back to class.so yeah. i went before Dean. but you know what the awkward thing is?

we legit sit by each other.

i hate my life

a couple people asked me about it and i told them what happened. i also told my grandma (crazy right?) and she didnt ground me or anything so it's cool. well, ima go play fortnite with one of my friends. i just got done hanging out with a bunch of my classmates at the park and that was fun. we played some basketball and stuff. anyway ima go now


also, #restinpiecechromebook you will be so dearly missed....

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