Chapter 14

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I cannot sleep.

I have been rolling over on my bed for almost an hour. And I still don't feel tired at all. It's against science and nature because I barely slept last night to prepare for the final.

I look at my phone every three seconds to make sure that everything is real. There is a message from Oliver on my screen: Good night. Call me worthless, two simple words from Oliver Parker can make me bite the covers to stop me from screaming.

I googled Oliver and even Baidued him. And yes, Baidu is a Chinese searching tool. I don't know what I am doing here. I just still cannot believe Oliver Parker is my boyfriend. I open Oliver Parker's page on Wikipedia and keep staring at the photo of him. Then it occurs to me that this man, who owns a Wikipedia page, is my real boyfriend. God damn it.


I don't know how I fell asleep and when I fell asleep last night. Only now I am not awake at all, and all I can hear now is the voice from the noisemaker—Caitlyn: "It's 1:30 p.m. already, Viccccc. Get up!!! We are going to the mall."

Oh god, I don't want to wake up. I am so sleepy.

Caitlyn finds my clothes and starts to put them on me, "How did you come back yesterday? Did Oliver drive you home? He left the party right after you left, so I thought he might catch you."

Suddenly I am wild awake. Because I remember that I did get myself a boyfriend last night. I bounce off the bed and I can't wait to see Caitlyn's response after I tell her this news. I look at Caitlyn's eye, and swallow a mouthful of spit, "Oliver and I are dating."

"..." Caitlyn covers her mouth with my sweater, completely in shock.

"What did you just say? Jiaqi Ling, I need you to say that again, word by word." She jumps out of my bed and stares at me with her dark brown eyes wide.

"I said Oliver Parker and I are dating."

"No way!!!!!!!!!!" She is literally screaming. I start to worry about our neighbors.

"I told you he likes you. And it's happening! Oh my fucking god." She hugs me, "Come here, I am so happy for you." Caitlyn is about to cry. I can see her eyes turning red.

"Don't cry, honey. It's a good thing, isn't it?" I hug Caitlyn back. I know why she wants to cry, and I cannot be more appreciative of her care and love.

"Hell yeah, they're my happy tears. And I mean girl, do you know who you are dating? It is Oliver Parker, one of the most wanted bachelors in this city. I can't be more proud of you."

I laugh, "You can't be more exaggerated."

"I am telling the truth."

I can't help looking at my phone, I desperately want to know if there is any message from Oliver. So I rummage my phone under my pillow, and when I see notifications on my phone, I start to giggle.

There are two unread messages from Oliver, or more specifically, from a guy named Oliver heart heart emoji.

"Sleep well, my girl?" Caitlyn grabs my phone and mocks Oliver's voice to read the text, "Aww, so sweet, he calls you his girl." She can't stop her snicker.

"Stop——" I bury my head in my hands. I am just so embarrassed, and also ecstatic.

"Call me when you get up, alright?" Caitlyn keeps reading the text. The corners of her mouth are about to reach her ears, "Awwww, call him, he can't wait."

I grab my phone back, and I agog to verify if Oliver did call me his girl. When I saw these two words pop on my screen, I thought I was going to faint, an excessive excited and joyful faint.

"I will give you some time to catch up with your boy." Caitlyn uses her jokingly voice to make fun of me, "But be quick, you haven't bought nor packed your stuff yet. And now it's almost 2, ok?"

"K." I nod.

'Sorry, just got up. Are you busy right now?' I sent him a message instead of calling him directly since I hope I won't bother him working.

A few minutes later, Oliver's name is popping on my phone. I answer the phone call immediately.

"Hey," Oh god I love his voice.

"Hey," Right, that is all I can say now. But that is only because I am a little shy and nervous about making my first morning phone call with my legit boyfriend. Probably morning won't be a precise word to describe it, but who cares.

"So slept late last night?" I can hear him chuckling.

"You seemed to sleep early though."

"Barely slept, but had to get up to work."

"I miss you." I don't know what I was thinking, but it just came out.

Oliver pauses for a bit, and I hear his breathing is a little louder. Then he says restrainedly, "I miss you too. I will come to get you for dinner around 5 p.m., ok?"

"Okay, I have to go. Caitlyn is waiting for me. We are heading to the mall." There are sounds of other people talking. I guess he is busy with work and I don't want to interrupt him.

"Ok, Have fun with your shopping, I will see you tonight."

"Bye," I hang up the phone overjoyed. I put my phone on my chest for a little bit longer to savor our small conversation and his captivating voice.

Today's schedule is so tight. After I go shopping with Caitlyn this afternoon, I have to find time to pack my luggage and also dress myself up to meet Oliver. Thinking of this, I quickly get up from my bed to get ready.

Oh, I wish I knew more about bilocation. 

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