let's grow old together

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pairing: jungkook x jisoo
established lovers to past lovers
warning: hurt, no comfort 💞

"let's do something crazy. like, grow old together. let's show everyone how to do it forever."
is the premise of this one-shot. credits to the one who made the prompt, @/soulprompts on tumblr.

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Jisoo's persistence was both a blessing and her very Achilles' heel.

It brought her so many awards during her elementary and middle school days, always put in the effort and saw the results through the end. No matter how many times she has fallen or failed, she never once thought of giving up just because she couldn't do it the first time. Yet, her persistence and drive to succeed often times brought her into trouble. Like that one time when she did not want to go home until she perfected a certain classical piece for her violin rehearsal, which resulted in her staying in the school way past her curfew and getting scolded, yet that did not stop her at all. She faced high school with the same mindset and ended up getting into a prestigious college that gave her parents bragging rights whenever there were family gatherings.

She was their pride and joy—the breadwinner of the family to be more exact. Jisoo couldn't be more happier and content with that fact, and as college was inching around the corner, she was excited to tackle this new chapter of her life; blissfully unaware of what was to come to her in the future. Looking back at it now, she wished that it stayed that way.

Her first mistake was that she woke up way past the intended time and was now running late for the freshmen orientation program. She was fortunate enough to transfer to the dorms a week before, which gave her the advantage of knowing where lecture hall A was. She hurried along the hallway, eyes glued onto her cellphone as she furiously typed on the keyboard, flaming her roommate for leaving the dorm without her. She knows that it was incredibly dumb and just careless, but she was running on little sleep and on a half-eaten protein bar. With the speed at which she was briskly walking through the hallways in, she eventually bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," Jisoo says, her eyes then widened once she noticed that she had bumped into a boy that was probably touring the university with his mother. He appeared to be two years younger than her; the most distinctive feature was his neat bowl cut, which was a common hairstyle amongst male students. She bows once more and utters out another apology before scurrying away. As her figure disappears at the end of the hallway, the young teenage boy turns to his mother and utters, "I think I want to enroll here."

Timeskip to when Jisoo was in her third year. She was tasked to manage the new batch of freshmen and have them tour around the university as a part of their orientation. She was supposed to have an assistant, but then they had other plans at the last minute. The entry of the main building was packed with seniors and organizations giving the freshmen a warm welcome, and it was honestly so wholesome to see.

She mentally prepared herself for the batch of freshmen she was going to handle, muttering to herself the lines she was going to say during the tour. Her thoughts were interrupted when she hears someone call out to her. "Jisoo! It's your turn!" She turns to see Seulgi approaching her, handing her a whistle, "Good luck." Her friend uttered, giving her a pat on the back before walking past her.

She was in awe when she saw that most first-year students were tall. Like, really tall. How was she going to manage this tour? Jisoo mustered up the strength and walked up to them, clapping her hands repeatedly as she calls for them to get their attention. So many heads turned and among them was seemingly a face she could remember but not quite pinpoint where and who exactly. She brushes it off and immediately tries her very best to navigate the group through the school. By the end of the tour, her social battery was literally completely drained.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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