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Shan Yu's bird friend is not a hawk, she is a falcon and her name is Hayabusa!!


"A snow storm is coming in." Maleficent claims, sipping the hot brew of tea Hades made for her well being, spotting the first fall of a single snow flake melt then freeze "The little beastie and Diablo have not returned yet."

Hades seemed to be in another room, not the coffin of pure death, seemingly heard her.So he came out looking full on radiation containment fledge suit that completely says 'I'm a clean ass bitch ya witch' but only gets worse when the two minions are transformed into cleaning products.Against their very will in fact.Deep cleaning everything from the depths of the floor cracks all the way up to the black roof top.All to the God Of The Underworld pleasure that is.

Hades quirk a brow, smirking at the women "Is it just me or did I just hear the pure concern come ever so freshly right out your vile mouth?"

Maleficent puts the cup of tea down "Nonsense." Then she makes straight on eye contact with the god, cold and emotionless as usual, voice low and sharp as a ridged knife "I hate humans.Besides that, it is rather unusual for Diablo to not return at such hour."

"Suite yourself ya dirty liar." and once again Hades, with Pain and Panic in hand, continues his work.

But that was back at the house yet now?Now it was back to the child finding a unconscious, maybe dead already, body in the creek of their own back yard...

Diablo seemed to not like how the child went ahead without hesitation towards the creek.Now he knew who this was and the moment he saw the falcon that was when all hell broke loose for him.The poor crow went ahead and hide in the hood of the child's coat.Trying to hide then go help.

So you took it off and set the crow, all bundled up within the coat itself, on a nice wood stump "Stay." before proceeding on their mission.

The moment however the child drew close did the falcon become overly aggressive, seeing it's wings up high in a way of warning, squawking as it stood its ground.

It was protecting its owner..

Hands up in surrender you kneel to the ground, eyes making contact with the falcons "It's okay.Your okay.I just want to help, will you let me help you two?"

The falcon seems to think about it.All you did was stay where you are, the falcon more then likely thinking out every chance or ideal thought imaginable, yet the moment it's wings went down did it step aside.The falcon has made its decision.It will let you help them.

Taking that chance you did, immediately at the side of the stranger, pulling the unconscious body as best as you could onto your sled.

Checking his pulse you sigh with relief "Your alive." not long look down at the falcon, who sees you now a harmless threat, stands and peeks at its owner and you "He will be fine.We just need to get him back to my place for now."

The falcon let out a throaty happy choo at the news.Not long it began to shiver as the air grew colder, snow coming down ever so slowly, feathers puffy as can be.

Seeing that you pick the falcon up "Hold on I got an idea!" and to Diablo's displeasure you brought it back to him, get him out of the coat, then wrapped the poor falcon within the fluffiness.

It seemed to helped cause all you got back was a happy squawk before it began to swaddle itself deeper into the warmth provided.

Satisfied with that you put the two birds on the sled.Once you managed to, by some miracle, push the sled to the desired point you gave it a head start push.Once it began to gain speed you hop on.Luckily the hike up there was up hill so I'll be easy to get back home...

But the brakes were never thought out, so yes, you were panicking once you got ever so closer to the house.

Pain was able to run away from Hades, Panic however stuck at the moment, goes out to hide.But you know what?That little red demon is the reason your still alive.


Pain blinks, knowing that wasn't Panic voice at all, turning to the unknown voice "Eh?Help with--HADDEEESSS!!!"

The red demons screams on tops of his lungs but no one came.So once he saw how fast your going he took it onto his own hands.And that was to transform into a bouncy house of all things.That immediate idea worked like a charm as the sled went on it only, not just crash, but bounced around to a slow but joyful stop.

Sighing in relief you pat the bounty floor in great gratitude "Thank you Pain!"

Pain transformed back to himself "No problem (Y/N)." then runs his stomach in slight pain "Next time install some breaks will ya--?"


Both of you turn just to face a angry fiery god, coming your twos way, daggers aiming for Pain himself "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF UNGRATEFUL SHI--!!"

"My my, isn't that Hayabusa?" Maleficent comes out, picks up the falcon with such gentleness, then quirks a solemn brow at the unconscious body "....Why is Shan Yu unconscious?"

"I don't know.Found him in the creek on my way for some wood."

Hades fumes calms down, now seeing the new arrival of another appeared out of the blue, then grumbles "Why him of all people?" then from there you completed your mission.

Diablo plops onto your shoulder, cooing a little tune, then pouts as Hayabusa decides it also come rest on Diablo's favorite spot a.k.a the top of your head.Smiling however you pet the jealous crow on the head before following the two villains drag the unconscious rebel leader into the house.

Now gaining five people and two birds of a feather in a matter of just two days...

Who else will you have within your house?

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