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Elena's POV
(Two days later)
I woke up and immediately emptied all the contents in my stomach into the bathroom toilet.I could hear two tiny pairs of feet running up and down the hall and then the bathroom door open.I felt two arms lift me up and bring me to our bed.

"I hope you aren't getting a virus.I think we should bring you to the doctor."He said with a worried expression.

"It's nothing.I probably got to stressed out with the twins party.If I'm still sick in a week I'll go see a doctor."

Before Stefan could reply two little squirts ran into our room with a teasing Damon right behind them.

"Ma-Ma.Ball."Aiden said pointing to the window.Stefan had recently taken the twins to their first baseball game and they absolutely loved it.They now always want to watch a game.I could still see the worry in Stefan's eyes and I guess so could Damon because he said he would take the twins to the little league game today.They left within five minutes tops.

I feel to strong arms bring me to our bed.I was about to tell him I didn't need to go back to bed but I had already fell unconscious.


My phone was dinging off the hook from my online college.I needed to be online for today's schooling.I grabbed my laptop from Stefan's desk and shut the bedroom door.If I got sick a again I would want something to numb the sound just a little bit.

I finished all my work on History and Literature but when I started working on my Biology work im reproduction systems everything in my head clicked.I was pregnant.I dropped the laptop on the bed and then ran into the bathroom.I grabbed a home pregnancy test and it came out positive.What am I gonna do?I have just been blessed with another child.Or Children?I would need to make an appointment with the Doctor very very soon.

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