Chapter 10. Pajama Party

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Minae's POV

I changed into a sky blue sweat shirt with black stripes and short white pajama shorts. We all grabbed our pillows and blankets and spent the night in the living room. SHINee only stayed for a 2 hours because they had a schedule the following day. So we all had the most of our fun in those first 2 hours.

" So what should we do first?" Siwon asked. I had an idea. I grabbed my pillow and creeped up on Siwon.

" PILLOW FIGHT!!!!" I yelled in his ear and whacked him in the side of his face with the pillow.

" Ahhh! My beautiful face!!!" Siwon joked. He threw the pillow at me but I dodged and it hit Onew-oppa in the face.

" IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG HYUNG!!!" Onew-oppa yelled and threw his chicken pillow at Siwon but missed and hit Sora-unnie. These boys have terrible aim... The pillow turned into yet another war and there were fluffly white feathers everywhere. It looked like snow.

" It's snowing!!" I say grabbing a lot of snow and throwing it in the air. I danced a little as it fell around me and Sora joined in. The boys look at us weirdly.

" You girls are weird," Jonghyun says with a smirk.

" BUT YOU LOVE US FOR IT!!!!" Sora-unnie and I say at the same time. We high-fived and continued to dance. The boys shrugged.

" If you can't beat them, join them," Yesung says. Then all of the boys dance with us. Sora-unnie and I stop dancing and sit down. The boys stop too and look at us.

" Why'd you stop dancing?" Taemin asks curiously.

" Because it's not cool if you guys do it too," Sora-unnie and I say at the same time and fist-bump. We both laugh when we see the boys pouty faces. They laugh soon after then we all sit in a circle.

" So...what do we do now?" Han Geng asks. I think and think until I had the perfect idea. Sora had the same Idea and we both say it at the same time:

" TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" The boys all agree and Kyuhyun grabs my attention and gives me an evil smile. I smile too. Kyuhyun comes by to sit next to me so that way we both can come up with the most evilest dares. >:)

" Who's going first?" Key asks.

" Oooh! Ooh! Me!!" Kyuhyun-oppa shouts/asks. Everyone nods. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

" Sooo... Key. Truth or dare?" Kyuhyun-oppa asks.

" Hmmmmmm... Truth," Key says proudly.

" Wimp. So, favorite girl group song?"

" Fx's Chu," He said, " Now... Leeteuk-hyung, truth or dare?" He went in a circle. Yay! I'm last!

" Dare," Leeteuk-oppa said proudly.

" Dance to the whole song of T Ara's Bo Beep Bo Beep," Key said. Leeteuk-oppa's faces was priceless! It was a mix of a laughter and horrer. We started the song and Leeteuk-oppa did the dance perfectly! He even made the face and hand motions and everything! We all took recordings.

" Okay so, Onew. Truth or dare?"

" Truth," Onew-oppa said. And it went on like that. It was so funny! All of the truths were embarrassing and the dares were 2x that! I think the funniest was when Yesung was dared to dance to Gangnam Style by PSY and Henry hit him in the back with a pillow. It was my turn next.

" Okay, so Minae. Truth or dare?" Sora asks me. I've seen the dares. I'm not that stupid.

" Truth," I say. Sora has an evil smirk all over her face. Oh no.

" What's a major turn on for you in a guy?" My eyes widen considerably. Now all of the guys in the room were looking at me in interest. Even SHINee didn't leave yet and their 2 hours are up.

" You have to ask that in a room full of guys do you, unnie?" I ask in a barely constrained voice. She smiles innocently.

" Hmmmmmmm. I think it'll be cute if he coiuld speak a lot of different languages," I think outloud. Everyone looks at me weird.

" Why? No offense but that sounds plain compared to other girls, Minae," Donghae says and everyone nods. I smile sweetly.

" All the more ways to say 'I love you' with," I say with my eyes sparkling. I giggle to myself. Everyone Awwws. Sora pinches my cheek.

" Aigooo. You are too cute sometimes!!" I slap her hand away and rub my now throbbing cheek.

" What's with you people and pinching cheeks? I'm surprised that you guys don't do it in my sleep," I say. It'd be creepy if they did. Yesung looks away quickly. I raise an eyebrow.

" Yesung-oppa, did you pinch my cheeks when I was sleeping at one point?" He looks away again. My jaw drops. That's a little weird... I don't mind but that is a little creepy. SHINee left and we continued with the game until about 1 a.m. in the morning. I was getting very sleepy. I yawned a small yawn opening my mouth really wide. I rubbed my eyes and put my head in Sora's lap. She stroked my hair as I curled up in a ball and drifted off into dreamland. The last thing I remember was feeling each of the members take their turns kissing my forehead. I honestly have the best friends in the whole wide world.

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