* Bonus Chapter * Decorating Minae's Room

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Minae's POV

It was only 3 days after I officially moved into the dorm. Heechul was being a huge jerk. I was surprised. He was usually the funny, charming, witty person I'd seen so many times on variety shows. I ignored his attitude and focused on the others. They were so nice!

I realised that my room was a little boring. I mean, it has plain white walls, a bed with plain comforters and blanket. Super Junior was out the whole day until afternoon but they gave me money to decorate. I called all the members of SHINee to come and help me decorate a bit. Did I forget to mention? I'm friends with them now! I was hyperventilating when they asked me for my number.

They all came over and we headed to a home department store not to far from the dorm. We grabbed a bunch of stuff. Onew and Key begged me to get their choice of wallpaper. Onew for the chicken design and Key for the pink splatter paint. I didn't get either but the splatter paint made me have an idea. I think the best I've had in a long time. We all grabbed at least 2 big paint buckets each with our own brush. We got all the colors of the rainbow! Then we filled up a cart with industrial lights. Like the ones we use for Christmas to put outside the house.

We payed and walked back home. I made SHINee grab extra clothes for themselves and didn't tell them why. We covered my furniture with the plastic covering and I told the members of SHINee to make silly poses against the wall.

" Why?" Minho asks.

" Because I'm a genius and had the best idea to paint my walls," I say simply. He shrugged and so did everyone else. Minho made a pose like he was going to shoot a basketball. Onew looked like he was eating a plate of food; probably chicken. Key did the super man pose, and Jonghyun and Taemin made diver poses. I closed one eye and nodded.

" Okay, so whatever I do, don't move or else you'll ruin it okay?" They all nod suspiciously.

I grab one big brush and dip it into the dark blue paint. I throw the paint at them and they all close their eyes and mouths to avoid the paint getting inside. It splattered on all their clothes and I dipped the brush into the next color and repeated the process. By the time I was done, they were all covered in rainbow splatter paint dots and I was staring at my beautiful work

" What was that for?" Jonghyun asks meanly. I point behind him and he turns as do the other members. They all gasp. Their silhouettes were white. The poses they made were all white while the background was rainbow splatter painted. It looked really cool.

" That's freaking awesome!! You're a genius!!" Taemin screams and hugs me.

" Yah!! I know I am now get off!" I yell and shove him off. He laughs. I look down at my blacck V-neck. Huh. He didn't get any paint on my arms but the splatter paint smudged off of him and only on my shirt. It looked pretty cool!

" Yah! Can you guys help me paint the ceiling next?" I ask.

They all agree and go into the bathroom to change into their spare clothes. They all come out looking as perfect as ever and I give each of them roll over brushes and put the dark blue paint in the middle so everyone could reach it. We all paint the ceiling, making sure that it's even on all the sides and everything. Next, we wait for the paint to dry to put in the industrial Christmas lights. We put it on all the sides of the ceiling making a square border. I added a few on the wall to get that effect. We closed all the curtains and doors and turned on the lights.

" Oh wow," I hear Key and Onew gasp at the same time.

Oh wow is right. The ceiling looks like the night sky with the lights imitating stars. The walls that had the lights sparkled. The paint sparkled different colors as the light shone on it. It looked beautiful. We turned the lights back on and put in the new furniture. I now had a small black side table against my bad, a black lamp, and a dark velvet red comforter with a design that has all my favorite K-Pop and American bands and artists written in white. I had that done specially by the people at the home department store.

Super Junior and M guys come in from their schedules and come into my room to see what the commotion was all about. I turn off the lights and they all gasp. Their reactions were really similar to SHINee's. They all laugh when they see the poses on the wall and beg me to do it with them also. I shrug.

" Okay! Yah, SHINee! Want to help me?" I ask them They all agree and smile evilly.

" Payback time for that prank you guys did in China!!" Taemin yells.

He throws the paint at Super Junior and M and they all close their eyes and mouths. They still had the same poses and were covered in rainbow paint. It was really funny to watch. They all screamed when they had the chance. I filmed it all. The end result was the same as the first and was equally as awesome and cool.

These guys are fun to be around, I think to myself as I watch SHINee continue to pelt Super Junior and M with paint.

It Only Takes 3 Little Words ( A Super Junior Story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora