Chapter 11. Prank Gone Wrong

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Eunhyuk's POV

Today's the day we pull the prank on Minae and Kyuhyun. Those two have been pranking partners since they day they've met and since then it's been nonstop torture for the rest of us. No harm but it gets a little annoying. Minae put salt in our water bottles after reahersals, Kyuhyun replaced all of the strawberries in the house with fake ones ( poor Sungmin and Donghae ), and the latest one they pulled was that they both dressed up as monsters and attacked us when we were sleeping. I was mad because I was the first person they attacked.

The prank was that we all would pretend to be murdered, dead. There would be fake blood everywhere and fake knives and guns coming out of our bodies. We all would be dead and then they least expect it... BAM!! The people closest to them would grab their ankles and they would scream. Even Leeteuk-hyung agreed that we need to stop their pranking. But he only did this because ' Kyuhyun would lead Minae to even greater evil and we can't let that happen.' He has been kind of a father to Minae so I guess that would be his major reason.

Kyuhyun and Minae was out buying groceries. Plenty of time to get everything ready. We were all decked out in our ripped clothing and blood when we heard the door open. We quickly got into positions and layed on the floor in uncomefortable positions. We heard bags drop to the floor in a sudden THUD.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" We all hear Minae scream. We hear feet rushing towards us. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Minae rush to Leeteuk-hyung and Kyuhyun ran for Sungmin.

" Oppa! Oppa! You can't be gone! Please wake up!! " Minae said with tears running down her face shaking Leeteuk-oppa. His lip quivered but he didn't open his eyes or make any sudden moves. I could tell he was struggling. We all were. But they deserved it, I keep on thinking to myself.

Shindong grabs Minae's ankle and Donghae grabd Kyuhyun's. They both scream and fall to the floor. We all laugh when we see their faces. Their faces show disbelief, horrer, and something else. Anger?

" Y-you g-g-guys were alive the whole time?" Minae stuttered with tears running down her face. We all laugh and nod.

" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She screams at us and slaps me hard in the face. We all look at her in shock while Kyuhyun nods like she did the right thing with a mad look on his face.

" DID YOU KNOW HOW SCARED WE WERE?! HOW SCARED I WAS?! DO YOU EVEN CARE?! I DON'T CARE IF IT WAS JUST A PRANK, DON'T YOU EVEN THINK OF ABANDONING ME AND KYUHYUN-OPPA!!!" She screams at all of us. We all look at her with ashamed looks and hung our heads. She marches to her room and slams the door while Kyuhyun does the same.

The Next Day

Kyuhyun's POV

I was still pissed at the guy's 'little prank'. I know that Minae and I played pranks on the guys but that prank was way too extreme. Poor Minae thought she would be all alone again. I did too. I punch the wall. Those boys could be so stupid sometimes. I know that they take their pranks to the extreme but Minae didn't. I hope that they feel guilty for a long time.

Minae texts me. Do you think you could bring me food to my room? I'm still kind've upset at the guys. >:(

And I didn't blame her. For the past couple of hours, she's been calling me crying over the phone. I know that she's not going to give the jerks outside the satisfaction of seeing her red eyes and puffy face. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen to grab Minae's and myself the plates filled with breakfast.

" Hey," I hear Ryeowook say weakly. I ignore him. Leeteuk-hyung grabs my shoulder.

" We need to talk," he says strenly in a voice I hear many times.

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