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3rd person pov

It was the morning after Grell and William's date, William had gotten word on a case involving him so he wasn't in a good mood, Grell on the other hand was happy from the night before at the carnival. Grell skipped to Williams office and walked in, he had his head down on his desk and paperwork everywhere. Grell hugged him "What happened -?" She was cut off by William when he stood up and looked at her "Get out of my office."he was cold, upset. She looked confused"But will I ju-" he yelled this time "Get. Out!"his fists were clenched. She looked down"W what happened ....why are you so mean....?" She was quiet now at the door. 

He pulled his glasses off "I got word they found a dead girl's body in an abandoned building"Grell looked back with a gulp "Who?"she thought it wasn't who she thought it was. "Abigail's.....there was a pair of red chained glasses at the scene......Grell did you do it....?"he was almost in tears to think Grell would do that. Grell shook her head, obviously lying"N no... I would never will." William had tears rolling off his cheeks"Liar!" He yelled making her jump a little. Grell shook her head then lightly chuckled "You don't understand! I've loved you since the academy and you go get with some girl!" She finally snapped. He wasn't having it , he shoved her out his office "Well I've never loved you!" He slammed the door in tears and sat it in his chair.

{Tw. Angst: blood,death, adult language, ect. } 

Grell stood there in shock then ran out of dispatch , running home. She saw a couple in an alley by a shop , the man proposed to the lady. Grell walked by pulling her scythe out and killed the man, she looked at the lady and smiled kindly before impaling her. 

Hours has gone by and Grell killed more and more people, specifically couples. She'd find them, kill the man and admire the woman then she'd smile like everything was alright and kill her as well. She was walking around London as the sun just set and as she walked she passed by a tall familiar raven demon. "Hello Grell."he said, he was in a good mood. She smiled and kept walking, she was covered in blood. He looked concerned"Grell?"he asked pulling her arm. She replied with a small smile "Yes Sebastian?" She said, it was kinda creepy. He backed away "Are you doing alright?" She just nodded and continued her walk. 

Sebastian had thoughts running through his head like 'Is she ok?' 'am I not bassy?' 'what happened?' 'who hurt her?' he thought to himself then sighed and grabbed onto her with a hug "Sebastian?Get off me before I kill you."she said with a genuine smile, she pushed him off pulling her scythe out. He backed away with his hands up "I'm sorry, you don't seem yourself Grell."she shrugged and inched closer to his face "I'm just not in a good mood Sebastian. Leave me alone." 

{To be continued brought to you by me.Long chapter huh?}

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