Not alone

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{So last chapter was a long one, this might be short but enjoy}

Days have passed since Grell and William had that little fight; an Grell was now sitting in her tub with the shower running. A knock on the door was heard but she ignored it, the door was opened. She hurried to get dressed and left the bathroom"Will?"She said shocked and hugged him. He pushed her off as some man walked into her house "Who's this?"she asked as the man grabbed her arm. The man wore a white suit with a white tie,I think it was obvious who he was. William looked her in the eyes and said"You're crazy Grell Sutcliffe so you're going where you belong."He said trying not to think about Abigail; William was having her put into an asylum. 

Time skip brought to you by the rat in the wall 

Grell was sitting on the bed she was given about to take her medicine when she got a visitor, it was Sebastian and Ciel. She looked at the wall thinking to herself 'i deserve this' , tears started running down her face as the door to her room opened. "Hello Grell"Ciel said shocked she wasn't all over Sebastian. She waved at him as she turned around"Hello ciel hello Sebastian." He walked over and sat by her "Are you alright?" Sebastian asked. She shook her head "No... I'll never be ok..." Her eyes were filled with sadness, his concerned. Ciel stood up and sighed," We heard you were here by William. Sebastian convinced me that we should discharge you."He said with the paperwork. She looked at Sebastian and smiled"Thank you." A light blush appeared on her face. He smiled genuinely and took her hand as Ciel quietly shipped. 

{To be continued brought to you by Grell's fabulousness}

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