Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry, do I know you..?"

  The words cut into Levi deeper than any blade could manage. Eren didn't remember their life before. He didn't remember the titans, the walls, or anything it seemed. He had forgot all Levi was burdened with.

  He should be angry, screaming, crying, something...but he wasn't. He felt so numb to the world as he shuffled his feet to his apartment, the world around him fuzzy as he made his way to his door. He only stopped one and that was to lean against the white washed wood, wanting to curl up and sob, but the effort seemed so meaningless.

  "Hey, aren't you that guy from the bookstore?" No. Levi's head shot up, glancing toward the voice. A bright smile and shining eyes meet him. "What a coincidence! I live right here." Eren's voice came out sweet as honey and each world seemed to lift Levi's spirit.

  Maybe I have a chance.

  "Really? How nice. Welcome to the apartment complex." Eren chuckled some and nodded politely.

  "Why thank you, sir." I'm not that much older than you now. Levi's thoughts cut in and he smiled some, seeming to take Eren back a bit.

  "Wow. From the way you acted at the bookstore, you didn't like the kind of person to laugh at a silly joke like that..." Eren grinned as he spoke anyway.

  "Full of surprises. Anyway, I don't think I got to properly introduce myself before." He held out his hand, heart breaking as Eren took it as nothing but a stranger. "My name is Levi Rivaille, and you?"

  "I'm Eren Jaeger. It's a pleasure to meet you, Levi."

  "The pleasure is all mine." His French accent seemed to make a show and add a more flirtatious tone to his words as he nodded his head slightly towards Eren. The other's cheeks stained a light shade of pink as he looked down at Levi.


  "Eren." "Eren!" Two voices coupled together, Levi turning his head some to spot to familiar brats standing at the opening in front of the doors. Levi was almost glad to see them as well as Eren.

  "Oh, umm. Levi, this is my friend, Armin." He gestured toward the blond boy, who nodded politely as Levi muttered his hello. His gestured  towards the dark-haired girl, who had worked her way by Eren's sidewalls he was talking to Armin. "This is my sister, Mikasa."

  "You said your name was Levi, correct." He nodded slightly at her question. "Good to know. You seem a bit comfortable around Eren for just having meet him..."
  This again, Levi thought, time for interrogation.

  "He seems like a nice enough person. No need getting tense around someone who's been nothing but polite towards you, correct?" His words had a pleasant tone to them, but anyone besides Mikasa wouldn't find the sting under the words. At least, not anyone beside the Mikasa he knew before dying and coming to his cage without walls.

  Him and Mikasa never officially got along, but they drew and unspoken line that wasn't to be poked at that laid between them. Both of them stayed away from it for Eren's sake.

  "Anyway, I must be going. I will see all of you in the near future." Levi unlocked his door, slipping into his apartment with a brief goodbye.

  He sighed the second the door was closed and stood for a moment before setting out on his usual routine, brewing a pot of tea and making a  makeshift dinner. He got away with eating a sandwich and a healthy snack bar before sitting in front his TV with his warm tea. Of course, his attention was tuned into the most recent events being covered by the news.

  It was peaceful, he was content, and it was to good to be true. A quick knock came to his door. It's urgent. His body reacted on it's own, grabbing for his pocket knife and quickly opening the door only to see Mikasa standing in front of him.

  "You remember."

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