Chapter 3

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  Of course Mikasa's expression never changed, but eagerness seemed to radiate off her. Of course she's excited, she found some who understood what she had to live with. Levi felt the same..

  "How long have you remembered...?" Levi made a face at her question.

  "Since forever. You haven't?" He turned his head towards her as she shook he head slightly.

  "When I was nine... around the same time Eren saved me.." Levi nodded some, use to her quite nature. His face was contorted in thought. It would make sense for her to remember Eren around that time period, that was when they met in their past life, but that wouldn't explain why Levi could remember him his whole life.

  Things never seemed to add up in his life.

  "How are we going to get Eren to remember?" Her voice was steady, determined, and regal as she spoke. Levi glanced at her briefly before shrugging.

  "I'm at wits end on that subject. I'm more focused on the fact that I've remembered Eren my entire life, but you've only  remembered him since you were nine. And that was how long ago exactly?" As he spoke, Mikasa looked at the ground. Her body was clam and collected as she always was- is- though, she didn't seem at ease. "What?"

  "You're twenty-two. You died three years before Eren..." She looked him in the eyes, glaring almost. "He was having a hard time dealing with your death. We were on a mission... He was a titan and he... He lost it. Erwin had already died and Armin was gone... The new commander wasn't so trusting towards Eren..."

  Mikasa didn't need to finish. He didn't want her to finish. "And you died shortly after?"

  "The week after..." Levi nodded some, glancing at any point of the room besides where Mikasa sat. It makes sense, though. She grows reckless without Eren around.

  They sat in silence, which was almost as loud as screaming. Until Levi's phone dinged and he picked it up to check his messages, freezing in his spot before groaning in annoyance. "I forgot..."


  "Umm... I have a date, I think." Levi muttered the words, though Mikasa stood up fast enough to make the dining chair she chose to sit in topple over.

  "You have a what?" Her voice was clam, but almost seemed to tremble with rage. Her eyes matched her feelings all to well though, they were murderous. "What happened to waiting for Eren?"

  "I didn't know it was a date until it was explained to me, okay? I never intended it to be. I'll let her know I'm not interested in her that way." His voice was definite, and confident. He had Eren back and he had no intention of losing him again.

  "I'll help you pick out your outfit to make sure it isn't to welcoming..." She stood up and walked upstairs, straight to the only bedroom in his apartment.

  Of course she knew the lay out, every apartment within the building mirrored one another. Some variation amount them, but it was almost unnoticeable. He was almost sure Eren and her had a two bedroom, the second bedroom in his apartment was replaced with a bigger bedroom closet (which was mostly filled with box's of books thanks to Erwin and Hanji) and bigger bathroom. Some apartments even had a third bedroom, but instead Levi had a bigger dining room.

  He stood, listening to her dig threw his stuff and try to pick out clothing for him When she came back she half a red button up shirt, a raven black coat and black jeans with a belt to match. Of course, he'd wear his normal boots.

  When he got dressed and stood in front his full body mirror with Mikasa standing behind him, nodding some. "You look nearly unapproachable as you did in uniform..." Levi sighed some and nodded.

  "Time to go." He turned and walked at a steady pace towards his door, briefly slowing to stop and grab his phone and keys before walking out his door with Mikasa following him. He locked up his home, nodding at the girl before walking to his car. It was time for a date.

A/N: For those of you who don't understand the ages, they die and almost instantly are reborn into this world. So, while Levi is 22, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are about 19, Erwin is only a few months younger than Levi and Hanji is about late 21-ish 22. Petra is suppose it be about 23-24.

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