Chapter 4

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  Fear had taken over all of Levi's thoughts as he strode to his car. What if he lead Petra on by accident? What if she hated him after he told her that his was in love with someone else? What if Eren found out about the date..?

  Levi shook the thoughts from his head as he sat down in his 2014 black Dodge Charger. He couldn't worry about every little thing at the moment, he had to end whatever Petra thought he and she may have. It was as simple as that. He didn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship, but it wouldn't be the first time he lost her and it seemed these circumstances were better than the last. 

  Levi had replied to Petra's message from earlier, only having had he number since earlier in the day, their conversation was a short one.

  Petra (5:43pm): Hey! It's Petra. I was wondering if you can come pick me up around 6:30, my car, decided to kill on me. My dad's working on it now.

  Levi (5:57pm): Okay. Give me your address and I'll be over as soon as possible.

  Petra (5:59pm): Okay! You know that neighbourhood by the public library? It's in there. First house on the corner of Third Street. You'll see my car.

  Levi (6:12pm): Okay. I'm on my way now

  Levi followed the brief directions given to him by his friend before pulling in front of her house. He noticed the girl's small lime green Volkswagen Beetle outside her open garage on a car jack, keeping it from crushing other man laying on a tarp laid on the ground to give some for a comfort to him as he worked.

  It didn't take long for the older man to take notice of Levi and crawl from under the car and wave slightly before calling threw the open garage, Levi took that the door leading inside was open as well because Petra soon ran outside and smiled brightly towards him. She handed a glass to her father, most likely filled with water, and grabbed her purse before walking to Levi's car. She waved to her father before climbing in. "Thank you for coming to get me."

  "It was no problem. Where did you have in mind..?" His voice was stiff and rigid, he sounded tense to himself, but Petra didn't seem to notice. Eren would have.  He shook the thought from his head.

  "I was thinking that new cafe in Maria Square. Have you been there yet?" She smiled at gim and he almost flinched. He had been to the small cafe a few times, their tea was extraordinary. He had also planned to tak Eren there one day.

  "Yes, I have. I was thinking maybe the small diner on Rose Boulevard. Wall Rose, I believe it was called?" Levi could have laughed when he first heard the name of the diner, it was a perfect parallel to what protected him in his past life.

  "Oh.. Okay!" Levi pulled away from her house and headed towards the diner, sighing some as he glanced over at Petra. She smiled brightly at him, looking out her window, a soft smiling still playing on her lips.

  The city light seemed to dance off her eyes, her smile never wavering. He had never felt anything romantic towards Petra, it was also more of a protective urge that drove him with most of his friends, but in that moment he could see how she was beautiful. She didn't dress in anything fancy, just a cream coloured sweater to protect her from the chilly weather and boots that ended just bellow her knees with dark grey stockings. She was beautiful in her own sense of the word, something that no one could define for her.

  Levi thought the same way about Eren. His eyes were what seemed to stand out the most on him and his mess and soft, silky brown hair, but if anyone were to look closely at him they could seem a galaxy of freckles that were as small as sand dusting his cheeks. When Levi had called him, he'd look up, his mouth slightly ajar and the look on his face seemed.. innocent.

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