Chapter 5

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  Eren's laugh was like  music to Levi. It was something he cherished from the bottom of his heart, because it wasn't something he got to hear everyday.
A few of the teams were having a small party, just everyone getting together, having  a few drinks, and just having a half decent time. Erwin had to admit that they all deserved a few laughs after everything that had happened, and Levi didn't disagree.
That  was the first time Levi had heard it, the melody Eren kept hidden. When he investigated what cause Eren to laugh, he he learn Kirstein had tripped over himself and effectively spilled a drink all over himself. He smiled at the thought as well, especially when he saw the shine in Eren's eyes. He never saw the boy as happy as he did in that moment.
It was like he was living in a dream.


  Maybe he was. Maybe it was all a dream. Maybe he was just losing it over a cute guy and all these titans, military, and walls were just a dream that he had conjured up. Maybe he was going crazy.

  "Keep quiet, don't disturb him." His body tensed at the sound of the woman's voice in the room that he was yet to look around. He wasn't sure where he was or what room he was in, but he was positive it wasn't his bedroom.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "What exactly happened to him, miss?" He tried to not physically jump from the bed and run to two very familiar voices, Hanji and Erwin. He was ecstatic to hear them in the unfamiliar room, not showing it, but he felt it.

  "He suffered a concussion in the accident, he may experience some memory loss, headaches, and possibly delusions. If he's to experience memory loss, try to break everything to him carefully. If he is to create some delusion about whatever his mind may make, please try to bring him back to reality. If that does not work, please contact a doctor as soon as possible." The lady seemed like she was reciting lines she had memorized for a high school play, barely any emotions and the ones she did had were poorly acted out.

  "Yes, ma'am." Erwin repeated his line from earlier, obviously trying to steer Hanji away from the nurse to stop her from asking any more questions. Hanji has always had a... passion for science, even in this life.

  Once the nurse was gone, Levi let out a soft sigh of relief. "Thank God she's gone..."

  "Levi!" He flinched at Hanji's loud pitch, though she was quickly quieted by Erwin.

  "The nurse said to stay quiet. He did hit his head rather hard, Hanji." Levi opened his eyes some, flinching away from the bright light.

  "Where am I?" It was kind of a stupid question on his part considering he could see almost properly now, but the words left him on an instinct.

  "The hospital... Do you remember what happened..?" Of course he did, Annie had- wait no. It wasn't that this time. It was something different. His eyebrows knitted together as he thought for a second, his friends watching him.

  "Petra... The car..." He stared wide eyed at the crisp white sheets on his lap. "S-she's dead..." He took a shaky breath, attempting to collect himself. "No... that can't be true... It couldn't have happened that fast... She can't be..."

  "Levi..." Levi looked up at Hanji, her dark brown eyes sad. They were full of pity. "Petra was a wonderful person.. We all miss her already.." He stared at her, his eyes wider than they normally were as he looked at her incredulously.

  "That can't be right. We were coming back from the diner, she was so happy. She wanted to meet Eren-" His voice cracked and he quickly looked away and down. He wasn't going to break down right there. It would be insane to. He had to stay collected.

  "So, you told her about him... Levi, it can be hard, I know, but-" Levi growled when Erwin spoke, snapping at him like a small child.

  "How would you know, old man?! You have the person you love sitting next you and he doesn't even remember me! The one person I wanted back in this sick, fucked up reality died because of me! Do you really have any idea?!" He closed his eyes as pain racked through his head as the two before stared.

  "Levi-" Hanji started before she was interrupted by Erwin. Levi opened his eyes just in time to see the taller male lean down and whisper in his fiancee's ear. She grinned some and left the room quickly. He just started as Erwin took her sitting spot, feeling somewhat regretful of his words.

  "Erwin, I'm... I'm sorry. I got carried away and..." The man shook his head, face set in stone- making it impossible for Levi to read his emotions.

  "Levi, don't worry about it.. You're upset, I understand, but don't ever blame yourself for what happened. You couldn't have prevented it. You didn't hit the tree on purpose. You. Are. Not. To. Blame... Remember that, okay?" Erwin didn't look at him until the end, adding a power behind them that only the particular man seemed to carry. Levi nodded dumbly in response as Erwin shifted his weight slightly.

  "I need you to explain something to me though.." Levi blinked some and meet the other's blue eyes. "What did you mean by, 'back' when you were talking about Petra..?"

  "It's a bit of a long story. I might leave out a few details.."
  "Not all details are exactly necessary... and I have time."

  So, Levi began his story. Choosing to start at the point when he had first met Erwin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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