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Collab with who?


"Jennie, you're on in five minutes get ready soon." Yelled Manager Kim. "I'll be right out!" I yelled back. I ran out to the stage and saw millions of fans shouting and screaming. Watching them gives me the adrenaline rush to do better. All my life, I had never thought I'd be where I am right now and I'm really grateful. The stage is my place, my home. I go out and start singing my lines along with my bandmates- Lisa, Chae-young and Jisoo. 

Going on tour is one of my favorite things in being a K-pop star. We were performing in Tokyo, a place my mom adored. She would always ask me to buy her some sushi in the same restaurant every time I came here. I started tearing up mid-performance as this was our last show on tour. I really didn't want the tour to end.

After performing all of the songs, it was time for us to say goodbye. "Thank you all for coming here, we really appreciate it." said Chae-Young whose stage name is Rosé. "I'm so happy to be here but I'm also sad that this is the last show of our tour. It was amazing performing for you guys. One of the best crowds ever! But its time for us to go now. Good night Tokyo!" I said 

"Encore" "Encore " "Encore" all of the blinks started chanting.

Lisa looked right to where our manager was and he gave us a nod and she signaled all of us. "Lets do this!" Said Lisa. We all started singing. The fans kept encouraging us.

Auditioning for YG was one of the most important decisions of my life, there was this...fear and insecurity that always kept me away from doing the thing I loved. But with mom's support and the constant 'don't worry's , I actually went for it and bam, here I am. In front of thousands of people, doing what I love most.

"Bye blinks, love you!'' Said Rosé blowing kisses to the fans. We all waved bye and went backstage. "Woah, that was tiring!" said Jisoo while wiping her sweat from her forehead. "I know right!" replied Lisa. "But I never wanted to end. Touring is so fun" She said while poking at sequins of her outfit. "Let's hope YG has better plans for us but for now all I want to do now is go home and sleep." I yawned. "Yeah, me too."  said Rosé walking towards our private van.

We all went to our homes and slept.

The Next Day




I'll answer that later. Right now, sleep is the most important thing.




Ughhh. Shit, its from Mr. Kim. 

"Hello?" I said still laying in my bed.

"Jennie, are you still asleep?" asked Manager Kim

Was it that obvious?

"Well yes...and I don't want to get out." I said

"I know you're tired because of last night so it's okay. Now back to what I was saying, I have some exciting news for you!" 

"What is it?!" I asked and jumped off of my bed and went to the bathroom.

"You are going to collaborate with the V  from the boy-band BTS !" He said.

"Cool." I replied nonchalantly .

"That was...not the reply I was waiting for...I thought you were a big fan of BTS" He said disappointed with my reaction

"That's Lisa, she's the one who loves BTS. She loves them more than our group." I said with a slight laugh. "And I listened to their debut song No More Dreams just cuz' Lisa insisted but....I don't know, it's just not my style"

"Like them or not, collaborating with V will help in launching your solo career and you won't be known as Jennie from Blackpink and...just Jennie Kim."

"I do love being called Jennie from Blackpink but okay, I guess. Having a name for myself would be pretty cool too." I said smiling.

"Get ready before eight, I'll come and pick you up." 

"Ok!' I said and hanged up the phone.

I quickly brushed my teeth, bathed and ate my salad got ready.

Manager Kim came and drove me to the Big Hit Entertainment building. It looked bigger than ours but I could have been wrong.

"So what am I going to do there?" 

"You're going to go there and meet up with V and discuss about what you want to do with the song and by that I mean what genre you both are going to sing like love song, break-up song, uplifting...you know what I mean."

"Got it!"

Meeting up with V might be everyone's dream and stuff but I don't like him that  much, I mean his voice sure is heavenly and to be honest, I don't even know what he looks like. I know I know, you're surprised like how have I not seen his face and why have I not seen his face? I...don't have an answer for that. But if I have to be really really honest the reason why I don't like him is because his voice reminds me of someone I really don't like.


𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙮 - 𝘈 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘯-𝘍𝘪𝘤Where stories live. Discover now