who you be pt.2

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Their eyes widened.


The firgure pulls out a sword and swings it left and right aiming for both of them. Fen swerves and dodges it while Astoria rips off her scarf and blocks the attack.

"I'll be back Astoria! im gonna help the locals!" Fen yells.

"Make it quick!" she yells while turning and twisting out of the way.

The figure follows closely behind her slicing through the air. She tosses her scarf in it's face and runs, in the mere seconds it struggles to take the scarf off.

"Fenrir!" She rushes over and grabs his hand. "Let's get out of here quickly now!"

Fenrir looks up at her and nods. He looks around and makes a run for the alley way. The figure, a hooded male tails behind. Fenrir glances at her and speaks up.

"You know you have to.." he begins.

"Thor said I can't as long as I am outside. We have to get out of here and get help."

"They won't know, besides we can't run forever."

She turns to look at him and sighs. "You'll deal with the consequences then. If something goes wrong. you know what to do right?"

He nods.

Peter turns to Loki, his face pale with worry. "Mr. Loki! We have to help them."

"Peter, I must suggest that you watch child, we cannot involve ourselves with this." Thor reasons.

"What do you mean?! Theres a guy hunting them and reaking havoc in Norway!" Wanda points out.

"You will understand in a bit, just watch and hope they survive this." Loki says reassuringly.

"Hope they survive?!" Bucky rages. "What are they even fighting?!"

"How can we!?" Tony yells. "You better do something about this reindeer games!"

"Do not call me that, you mewling quim!"

Chaos errupts among the group, insults are thrown at each other while others try to break it up. A loud crash snaps them out of their argument, they all turn their attention back to the projection to see Astoria struggling to get out the man's grasp. His hand seemingly having a good grip on her neck.

A deep growl, followed by a flash of black all mix onto the projection. A wolf tackles the figure casuing both of them to tumble and wrestle their way away from Astoria.

The girl drops, taking a painful deep breathe that results in voilent coughs. She scratches and presses her hand to her throat hoping to alleviate the pain but to no avail.

"Fenrir!" Astoria screams out, her voice raspy.

The mess of thrashing bodies dies down, Fen getting up slowly and victoriously. With a sigh of relief, she pushes herself up into a seating position.

Fenrir turns around and looks at her. "We need to get out of here now." he says as he approaches her.

Astoria simply grunts in response as Fenrir wraps his arm around her and helps her up on her feet. He then turns and starts to walk back. He takes the moment to check her for injuries.

She swats away his hand. "Just a simple kick to the ribs and choked."

"Both can be serious, I want to make sure you're fine."

"I am. Fine. Let's just get out of here."

"Alright, lets go then." he agrees with a heavy sigh.

They continue a few more steps forward before Fenrir stops. Astoria glances up at him as she feels his whole body tense up. A deep and defensive growl escapes his lips. She notices how he stares ahead, in so she follows his gaze and notices two figures at the end of the street, weapons drawn.

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