Hospital- Chapter 2

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Previously on Unconditional Love💜

"There is no way in hell this is happening"

"What the hell?!" I say alarmed that Regie Macalino is standing next to me.

Y/N: What is happening...? am I dreaming???.. omg am I dead?

Regie: nooo cuz you're not dead. You just have a concussion.

"Oh..." I say as I start to calm down. "Wait where is my sister?!"

As soon as I say that my doctor walks In and looks at me with a smile

Doctor: I'm glad that you are up Ms. Rose.

Y/n: Just call me y/n.

Doctor: Okay y/n, Does your head feel any better?

y/n: it feels okay, But why did that random hooligan do that anyway?

Regie spoke with his calming deep voice.

Regie: She was on some type of drug at the time.

Y/n: oh...

Doctor: Your sister is a couple of doors over if you wanna see her.

"What happened to Hailey?!?" I say scared and concerned.

Doctor: The north star boys were about to get attacked by the women that attacked you but Hailey pushed her and hurt herself a little bit, she's fine though, All she needed was a few stitches.

"oh my god," I say shocked.

y/n: How long do we have to be here?

Doctor: Just two days and then you can go home.

y/n: Okay.

Y/n: Regie are any of the other NSB here?

Regie: yeah, Sebastian is in Hailey's room making sure she's okay too, he wanted to come with me.

y/n: Okay.

The doctor left the room leaving me and Regie in there together.

"Well I have to get going, Ty wants us to film today," Regie says as he walks towards me and gives me a hug. 

As he walks to the door I realize that I forgot to give him the bracelet.

Y/n: Wait Regie!

Regie turned around and he started to walk over to me.

Regie: Yeah?

Y/n: I never got to give this to you at the meet 'n greet.

I placed the bracelet in his hand.

Regie: Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: No problem.

Regie left and I fall asleep not too long after.

Hailey's POV: 

Hailey: I'm sorry it's just that I'm so surprised that you're here right now.

Sebastian chuckled.

After a while of talking to each other, we heard a knock at the hospital door.

Regie: Yo! Seb we got to go, Ty wants us to come back.

Seb: Okay Reg.

Sebby gives me a tight and loving hug and they walk out the door.

After they left my eyelids start to get heavy and I fall asleep.

Regie's POV: 

As we were walking to the car I kept thinking about Y/n. I just kept thinking about how pretty she still looked in that hospital bed and how nice-  No stop Regie you just met her......You don't even know her.

We get into the car and Seb looks at me suspiciously.

Seb: Where did you get that bracelet from Reg?

Regie: Oh this? Y/n gave it to me in the hospital room.

Seb: Oh that's nice.

Regie: Yeah, it is.

2 Days later  y/n's POV:

We were still at the hospital and today is my last day there. I couldn't call my mom to come pick me and Hailey up because she was still at work and if she left she would most likely get fired. (Her boss is really strict) 

I walked into Hailey's room and sat on the hospital bed.

Y/n: Mom can't pick us up.

Hailey: I know, I called some reinforcements.

Y/n: Wh-

Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted.

"Hey Hailey." A Smooth and Calm voice says.

I turn my head to the door and I laid my eyes on Regie and Sebastian and I completely froze in place. 

Hailey: Y/n?

Regie: Y/n, You good?

When I heard Regie's voice I snapped back to reality.

Y/n: Huh?- what?..okay!

Regie and Sebastian waited for us to get all of our stuff and then they drove us home.


"Bye Regie," I say as I hug him and get out of the car. Hailey did the same and we went inside.

I open the front door and me and Hailey both went into our rooms.

I got in the shower and put this on.

I got in the shower and put this on

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Then I started to walk downstairs to the kitchen.

I got my container of Nutella and I got a spoon, And then I sat on the couch with Hailey, She was wearing this.

I got my container of Nutella and I got a spoon, And then I sat on the couch with Hailey, She was wearing this

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As we were watching Tv Hailey got a Facetime call from Mom.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed

and I will see you in the next chapter.


Unconditional love-Regie Macalino💜Where stories live. Discover now