''COME ON Y/N I'LL CATCH YOU!''-Chapter 7

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🛑Warning this chapter includes violence🛑 

Previously on Unconditional love💜

"Me and Hailey run upstairs to my room and hide in the closet."

Hailey's POV:


"Hailey where the fuck were you?!" Collin says as he walks into my room and slams the door. "I told you baby I was at Hannah's party," I say scared that he's gonna hit me again. 

Collin walks over to me and slaps me across the face abruptly, I fall to the floor and he starts yelling at me. Trying to ignore him I Curl myself in a ball and put my hands over my ears. 

End of flashback

"Hailey?! Hailey?!" I heard a familiar voice say "Are you okay, you zoned out". "Ye-Yeah I'm fine," I say looking at my sister. "Okay good because Regie and Sebastian are at the window," Y/n says as she opens it. I walk over towards her and I look down seeing Seb and Regie looking back up at us. "Did you tell them about what's going on?" I say looking at y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, now hurry up and get out of the window before Collin gets inside!

Hailey: But we're on the second story, I could hurt myself really badly Y/n!!

Y/n: Sebastian is gonna cat-

All of a sudden we hear a loud thud.

"Oh fuck...He made it in." Y/n says looking scared for her life.

Y/n's POV:

"Hurry up Hailey jump down!!" I say running to my bedroom door and holding it closed. "I CAN SMELL YOUR PERFUME HAILEY WAILEY JUST COME OUT SO WE CAN MAKE UP AND MAKE OUT!!" Collin yells from downstairs. 

I watch Hailey as she jumps out the window and lands safely in Sebastian's arms. 

"COME ON Y/N, I'LL CATCH YOU!" I hear Regie yell.

"BANG BANG" I Hear as I fall to the floor really hard. I open my eyes after all of the impact and I see Collin looking down at me with the knife still in his hand. I quickly stand up and Collin walks towards me. "Where is Hailey?" Collin says looking at me for an answer. 

Y/n: How did you find out where we live you creep?!

"Oh I see, You wanna die first huh?" Collin says smirking at me.

Y/n: She is long gone...you will never find her.

"Oh okay, Well since she's gone I might as well have a little fun with you," Collin whispers as he gives me a devilish grin. He pins me against the wall with his hands and forces himself on me, He kisses me and I try to push him off. 


Colin: Where is Hailey?

y/n: I don't know Collin, call her or something, just leave my room.

"You know Y/n, I don't like you talking to me like that."

"I don't give a shit what you like Collin," I say standing up 

Collin walks toward me and grabs my neck choking me. Well, you know what I like, and that's Hailey... since she's not here... I'm gonna play with you instead. He starts touching my breasts and other parts

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Hailey yells. "Get the fuck off her!

End of flashback:

"HEY!" I hear Regie say loudly. 

see you in the next chapter<3 

Sorry for the cliffhanger btw


Unconditional love-Regie Macalino💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu