Chapter 32-Tommy, Can You Show Me Some More Magic?

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As we were still listening to music together I had looked over at Tommy. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him. "Sure what is it?" Tommy questioned. "Tommy, can you show me some more magic?" I asked. "Sure of course I can." He said. 

He had then turned a stone into a flower and held it up to me and handed it over. "Woah that was amazing and cool." I had said while being amazed on how he did that. "Cool indeed." He replied. "Yes indeed." I nodded. "Thank you for the flower by the way, Tommy." I had thanked him. "You're welcome." He smiled then did some more magic but different kind of magic this time and it had also suprised me as well."You are quite good at magic there, Tommy." I had told him. "Thanks anytime you want to see me do magic just let me know and I will show you." He had told me. "Alright will do." I smiled as I nodded.

I had laid my head down on Tommy's shoulder and he smiled when I had done that we had continued listening to the music together while sitting with eachother. "I'm glad I met you when I did, Tommy." I  had said.. "I'm glad I met you too when I did." Tommy had said back to me with a smile.

"You are alot of fun to hang out with." Tommy had said to me as he smiled. "You as well you are fun to hang out with too and thanks that's very nice of you to say that." I smiled. "You're welcome and thank you too." He replied. "You're welcome." I smiled back.

"You have the coolest style in clothes , Tommy." I had told him. "Aww thank you that's very kind of you to say about my style." He replied. "You're very welcome." I replied back as I hugged him while smiling then I had kissed his cheek softly which had made him blush his cheeks had turned a light shade of pink.

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