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Name: Arriana
Nickname: Arria
Surname: Omni
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Height: 5'6
Kids: Zeno

Likes: Dai, her husband and child, reading ancient books (others unknown)

Dislikes: her other side, someone laying a hand on her family, (others unknown)

Most used quote: "I don't want any of this happening"


▫️She is like Launch, having a good side and an evil one
▫️She took care of Dai when he was little until his adults years where he started being his own person
▫️Dai is like a son to her
▫️The evil side was the one who cursed Dai multiple times
▫️She tried her hardest to eliminate her evil side
▫️She is the second Omni queen and second wife to Zeno's father, Inmo
▫️She has a varied knowledge of dark magic
▫️Her sides change unpredictably and not by a sneeze
▫️She despises her evil side
▫️They say she's dead, some say she's sealed, but no one knows what happened to her, just that she disappeared
▫️She regrets everything her other side did to Dai but knows that he still has a heart for her

Exi out✨

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