chapter six: Small talk

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Play: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood

You both sat in silence, picking at your food.

You suddenly had lost your appetite within three minutes.

Three minutes.

That is all it took for someone to look at you in a completely different way.

You attempt not to look at your thighs, trying to distract your mind from the tainted memories of your past.Instead, you focused on a torn thread on Mikasa's jumper, pretending to show interest in it, hoping that Eren wouldn't say anything.

'He probably thinks its gross. That its disgusting. That I'm a selfish person.'  Thoughts entering your mind, consuming you, causing you to panic. You quickly clear your throat, desperate to leave the scene and go to a private area for space to breathe.

You pick up your un-touched meal, rushing to stand up. "Thank you Eren, I'm going to head off now." You make your way to the sink, trying to place the plate on the table as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, you missed the bench.

The plate went shattering to the ground, along with the now-cold croissant. You let out a squeal, stepping back to avoid the now broken glass.

'Great. Now you have made even more of a fool out of yourself. Good one, Y/n.'  You force back the tears, avoiding looking at Eren for the fear of what he would say.

"I'm just going to get something to clean it up with." You say quietly, standing back up and walking away before he could say anything. You walk around the corner, trying to find a broom, or some cleaning object to sweep your mess up.

You pushed your hair back from your face, quickly drawing your hands back, noticing that they were trembling. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm yourself down.

After you found a dustpan and broom, you walked back to the kitchen, noticing that Eren had disappeared.

This set of your anxiety, making those horrible thoughts circle back through your brain.

You tried to push them away, but it was no use.

You knelt down to the ground, the tremor in your hands returning, as you tried to sweep up the shattered glass. You heard a noise behind you, startling you.

You looked up to see Eren standing there with a plastic bag in his hand.

He hesitated, and for a moment, you could see worry flash across his face. But it disappeared just as quickly as it came.

He bent down to the ground, helping you clean up. After minutes of silence, he spoke up, "I know how you feel."

Play: Young by Vacations, slow and reverb

You looked at him in surprise, not quite sure how to react.

"It scared me when I saw. I froze and panicked." He went on. By this point, you had stopped cleaning, and sat down, leaning against the wall. He joined you, sitting by your side. He took your silence as time to think. You took a deep breath, inhaling the left-over scent of the croissants. You finally turned to look at Eren, your brows furrowing as you saw him with his head bent in his arms.

He seemed to feel the presence of you watching him, as he suddenly jolted up, looking at you, his eyes red.

Your eyes widened, "Are you crying?" You ask him, making him draw his eyebrows together, wiping his eyes. "It's okay if you are, I don't mind." You add quickly, not sure if you offended him or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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