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⚔ In which an unusual story begins ⚔

Zelda followed her father toward the bridge overlooking the soldier's and guard's training yard. Her father, King Roham Hyrule had a meeting with the Captain of the Guard, to talk about the kids who were to start training.

While the king and captain spoke, Zelda looked over the railing of the bridge at the training yard. Guards sparred and fought each other with wood swords and shields, and the sound of wood clashing could be heard even from her elevated spot.

But as she watched, one guard began to stand out, and it wasn't because of the cheering crowd gathering around them, of both new trainees and seasoned guards. They all stopped to watch the spectacle.

The guard that caught everyone's attention was smaller than the rest, with long blonde hair tied into a ponytail, and no armor. He was fighting expertly, despite his small size, and was actually using his stature to his advantage, moving swiftly and easily dodging swings. Zelda watched in wonder as he beat two grown men in a sparring match.

"See anything of interest, Your Highness?" Arn, the Captain asked.

Zelda nodded. "Oh yes, a fine selection. But-" she started slowly, "What of the little one, fighting the rest over there? How old might he be? He is smaller than the rest." She pointed to where the small soldier was still fighting strong.

Arn let out a chuckled. "Quite the sight, isn't he?"

Zelda nodded. "Indeed. Is he new?"

"Barely the age to begin training -just turned eleven a few weeks ago- although he's been working for this since he could walk. That's my son. His name is Link."

Zelda gasped. "You have a son?" she blurted out.

Arn and the king chuckled. "I do," Arn said.

Zelda blushed. "My apologies. I just- never thought about it before."

"No worries, Your Highness."

"Please, what is he like? Is he friendly?"

Arn laughed out loud this time, his voice booming. "Once you get to know him, he can be friendly."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I suppose you will have to find out yourself, princess. I can't explain it, but I have a feeling you and Link might spend a lot of time together in the future."  

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