17) Courage

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⚔ In which Link and Zelda go to the Spring of Courage ⚔


I think I can safely say this has been the best few days of this life.

First, Zelda danced with me at her party. Like, correctly, to a slow dance. I was sure she could feel my pulse when she placed her head on my shoulder. It was so loud in my own ears I could barely hear the music. And then, as soon as she was out of sight, she stumbled. I figured she was tired enough to not know the difference the following day, so I picked her up and carried her back to her room. Chloe had been waiting and had a heart attack when I pushed Zelda's door open. But she let me in and placed the princess in her bed before moving me out the door.

Second, she offered a truce. I don't know if Urbosa dropped some hints from what I'd told her or if it was utterly Zelda's idea, but I practically skipped back to the barracks last night.

And today, when Zelda emerged from her morning room, she smiled at me instead of curling her lip or scowling. It was lovely how preppy she said good morning and told me the day's schedule instead of leaving me in the dark as to where we were going.

First, she had a short meeting with her father. Then the afternoon was free for an hour at the palace's goddess statue for prayers. She seemed particularly excited about the empty afternoon.

I stood outside the door to her father's study, glancing around the library. Maids and other guards wandered around, pretending to look busy. Some waved at me. Some paid me no mind. When Zelda returned, she turned to me directly and smiled. I grinned back.

I've usually taken to sitting just out of earshot during her prayers. I feel like it would be rude to eavesdrop on something like that, so it's an hour I get to keep to myself. When she returns, she smiles again.

"Hungry?" she asks.

I have to do a double take to make sure she's talking to me.

She giggles, and it makes my heart flutter. "Yes, you. Are you hungry?"

I nod, sliding off the small perch I'd found a while ago.

We go to her study, where she finds a handmaiden telling her to get lunch for two. She takes a seat at the small table by the fireplace. I stand near the door.

"How am I supposed to talk to you when you're all the way over there?" she asks, grinning. "Please, sit."

Hesitantly, I sit across from her. She smiles.

"Well, if we really are going to be friends now, I think we should set some ground rules."

I can't help but chuckle. "Ground rules, princess?" I ask.

"Yes, ground rules. For starters, let's do away with the titles. We shall be on a first name basis," she states, plain as day.

I'm starstruck. I guess all those escapes, pranks, and jeers were not who she really was. I suspected, of course, that it was all an act. But I couldn't be entirely sure.

"Alright. I shall call you Link from now on. No more of this 'sir' nonsense. And you will call me Zelda." Her eyes grow suddenly wide as if she's realized something, and her cheeks become flushed. "That is if you're comfortable with it-" she starts.

I chuckle, cutting her off. "I'm fine with it, Zelda," I say her name with such ease I'm even slightly surprised by how naturally it rolled from my tongue, like that day on Death Mountain. Except for this time, I don't have to hide it.

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