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⚔ In which one story ends, and another begins ⚔

Well, that was really something, wasn't it? We laughed, we cried, and most importantly, we loved.

What's wrong, Hero? Not ready to go yet? Still, fighting for her?

It's alright. Rest for now. When the time is right, you will have another chance.

Why else do you think you're here? Why do you think your soul is still with your body?

So don't worry. For now, rest. Heal. Prepare yourself for what is to come.

That is what she would want. I'm sure of it.

To be continued. 

*A/N: Well, this is it (for now ;) 

First of all, thank you so, so much to every single person that left a bookmark, vote, and especially comments. I love interacting with people here, and every time I get a comment or a vote it's the highlight of my week. Those of you that commented on almost every chapter (you know who you are) I want you to know I would move mountains for you, you mean so much to me. Seriously.

Thank you all so, so much for reading. It really means the world to me that this silly little hobby and this silly little idea of mine brings joy to others.

Until we meet again, friends! 😁*

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