3) Technology

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⚔ In which the Hero and Princess take a trip ⚔


I couldn't believe my eyes when Link started classes with me.

I couldn't believe my eyes when his grades in his classes began to rise near the top of his class, even competing with mine.

I couldn't believe my ears when the young knight was jeering and laughing and talking with his friends in his class just a few months ago, went completely silent on a dime, only speaking to his father and in the privacy of his father's study.

I couldn't believe my father would make me take my classes with him.

But lady Impa certainly took a liking to him, just like everyone else in this castle.

Father let her teach me about the ancient technology when she was here, which was more and more often as the years passed. Impa was here while her brother and sister lived and worked in Kakariko Village. They research the technology more in-depth and in more privacy than they would have here in the castle. They send samples and notes to Impa with new findings, and Impa is always happy to share those findings with me.

Oh, sorry. Me and Link.

It's not that I'm mad at Link for imposing on my lessons. I'm madder at father for putting him up to it without telling me first. But what's done is done. Now I have to sit through lessons with the unsufferable awkwardness and the competition as Link's grades continue to rise.

I'm slightly uplifted one day, after the usual lesson, as I'm starting to leave. Impa stops me.

"Princess. I wanted to ask you something," she says sweetly.

I turn around, smiling. "Yes, Impa?"

"The King wants to venture to Kakariko to check in on Purah and Robbie, then to Hateno to check on the new lab being built there. He asked me if you would like to come with us." She turns to Link, who is staring at the ground. "Link, I would like to extend my personal invitation to you if you would also like to come."

Link looks up at her, eyes wide. A smile spreads across his lips as he nods.

"Excellent," Impa says, clapping her hands together. "I shall tell the King. You are dismissed."

I turn on my heel and storm out of the study.

First, he's invited to my classes, and now to my trip, I think to myself.

While wandering through the palace, my mind wanders to the stories Impa has told me about the Heroes and Princesses from long ago. How they all sealed or contained Ganon and ended up falling in love in the process. I have my doubts about the second part, and even if it is true, how could that possibly be true for Link and me? I simply will not allow such a thing.

The following day Link is in the royal library, where he's not supposed to be.

"I thought you had other classes today," I say, trying to sound as annoyed as I feel.

He looks up from the book and quickly scribbles something on a note. He holds it out for me to read.

We got the day off. I wanted to try and learn something about the Sheikah before the trip.

I glance up at him. He's looking down at an old book.

"You're supposed to ask for permission before coming to the library, you know. I don't recall giving you such permission," I say.

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