Chapter 8: The Rush For Ninja Wisdom

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Now after Ash has defeated Cyllage city they encounter a boy with a Frogadier named Sanpei, Ash challenges them to a battle, and Frogadier defeats Froakie with an impressive Quick Attack. Sanpei is about to take his leave when Ash asks him for some special training. He's never seen anything like Frogadier's Quick Attack, and he wants Sanpei to teach Froakie how it's done! Sanpei agrees, and Froakie enters ninja training.

"Frogadier use Quick Attack!" Sanpei says while Froakie is watching carefully, "Froakie it's your turn! Quick Attack!" Froakie was using it's speed to learn it but failed, "Alright Ash your Froakie seems to almost have learned it, it seems that if we train more then Froakie can learn Quick Attack!" and Ash says "Alright!" before nodding, Serena was watching them train until...

Just then, their training is interrupted by Jessie, James, and Meowth, who have grand plans to nab Froakie and Frogadier

Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To protect the world from devastation!
To unite all peoples within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
And Meowth!
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!
Surrender now!
Or prepare to fight!
Team rocket!
That's right!

"You twerps shall give up and surrender your Pokémon!" Meowth says and Jessie also say "Pikachu, Froakie and Frogadier shall be great gifts for the boss!" a metallic arm reaches over to Froakie, Pikachu and Frogadier which then puts them inside a tube, "bye bye you twerps!" james says until Ash shouts "Go Charizard!" and Ash hops on Charizard Ash then commands "Use Dragon Claw!" which then breaks the dome and all the Pokémon we're released and then Ash and Sanpei commands "Pikachu Iron tail! , Frogadier Quick Attack!, Froakie Bubblebeam!, Charizard Flamethrower!" Froakie used Quick Attack to get close to team rocket's hot air balloon and Bubblebeam descended on them and Team rocket shouted "We're blasting off Again!"

Ash then says "Froakie you learned Quick Attack!" Ash then pats Froakie on the head while Sanpei says "Ash thanks for saving Frogadier from them" Ash then stands up saying "well Sanpei me and Sere are going to leave, i hope we meet again one day!" and Sanpei replies "Alright Ash!"


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