Chapter 23: The Battle Of The 6th Badge!

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"Heya Ash! Since we are back in Kalos where are we going next?" Said Serena in a enthusiastic voice, Ash replied "Lavarre City" and Serena smiled, she said "Yay! I can go shoppin-" and Ash interrupted "Anywaysssss....... CHARIZARD LET'S GO!" Ash and Serena hopped on Charizard and flew to Lavarre City

Currently Ash has







Currently Serena has


Pokémon she will catch in this chapter


Rhyhorn (From Grace - _- )

3 hours later

"finally we arrived" said Serena, Ash was searching for the Gym, when they finally found the Gym Serena was amazed by it, it was a Fairy gym with Japanese architecture, only the wealthiest of people can afford outside architecture to be built in Kalos
When they enter they hear a voice "Welcome to the Lavarre City gym! I am Valerie the Gym leader", "OMA! VALERIE!" Shouted Serena, Ash responded with "What?" Serena looked at Ash and says "IT'S VALERIE THE TOP FASHION DESIGNER IN KALOSSS!"
Ash shrugs it off and shouts "I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet town! I am here to challenge Valerie to a Gym battle!", Valerie came walking to the battlefield, the Referee also took his position, Ash walked to his position

"This is a gym battle between Ash against Valerie! Bring out your pokemon!"

"Go Sylveon!" shouted Valerie

"Pikachu your up!" Ash shouted, Pikachu hopped off his soldiers and stand in the battlefield on a battle position

"BATTLE BEGIN!" Shouted the referee

"Sylveon use Fairy wind!"
Sylveon unleashed a Wind towards Pikachu

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"

The two moves collided with each other creating a huge smoke

"Pikachu use the smoke as cover and use Iron Tail!"
Pikachu ran around the smoke to confuse Sylveon, Sylveon is trying to focus when it got interrupted by Pikachu using iron tail on it's head launching Sylveon to the wall

"Sylveon can you still battle?" shouted Valerie

Sylveon nodded in agreement

"USE DAZZLING GLEAM!" shouted Valerie

The Dazzling Gleam hit Pikachu but Pikachu still stand tall

"Alright Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt comparable to Zapdos leaving Sylveon tired

"Sylveon return! Go spritzee!"
Spritzee appeared out of the pokeball

"Use Moonblast!"
Spritzee uses Moonblast unleashing a beam similar to that of w hyper beam, it hits Pikachu and Pikachu is starting to get tired

"Use Iron tail combined with a Electro Ball!"
Pikachu uses Ash's signature Iron Tail-Electro Ball combo that he used in Unova, this shocked Serena and Valerie as the Electro Ball hits Spritzee is seen weak

"Finish it with Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, when it hits Spritzee, Spritzee is seen fainted

"Spritzee take a rest! Go Mr Mime!"
Mr Mime comes out the Pokeball in a Battling position

"Mr Mime! Use Phsychic!"
Mr Mime unleashed a powerful Psychic as it has been trained for years by Valerie, Mr Mime and Valerie met right after Valerie got Eevee as a child, Valerie, Eevee and Mr Mime has a strong bond, in fact they have been training for 9 years until Valerie was old enough to become the Gym leader of Lavarre

Mr Mime completely shown dominance to the tired Pikachu

"Mr Mime return! Go Sylveon and use Moonblast!"
Sylveon came out the Ball and start using Moonblast, Pikachu became even more tired

"Pikachu thunderbolt!"

Sylveon was already at low HP when Valerie recalled it so if we use common sense Sylveon fainted

"Mr Mime let's go!"
Mr Mime came out and Valerie wears a Pink colored Ring and she attached a crystal to it, "Mr Mime! Let's do our best!" Valerie begins to do the movements for the Z move

Ash puts a Crystal into his ring and does a pose (Again in my fanfic Ash traveled Alola before he even traveled Kalos) Ash then throws his hat to Pikachu allowing Pikachu to wear it


"MORE POWERFUL THAN 10.000 VOLTS, MORE POWERFUL THAN 100.000 VOLTS! 1 million volts, no..... more powerful than 1 million volts...... 10 MILLION VOLTS THUNDERBOLT!!!!!!"

The two moves collided and a huge smoke appeared even it ignited the sprinklers, Valerie had never seen a move this powerful in her life,"Ash is definitely no pushover" Valerie said to herself, After the smoke disappeared Mr Mime is shown fainted with Pikachu sitting on Ash's shoulder

"Mr Mime is unable to battle! Pikachu is the winner meaning the victory goes to Ash!" shouted the referee, Valerie walked up to Mr Mime and returned it, Mr mime and Valerie walked up to Ash and says "Ash your Battling skills are impressive, I'll be waiting for you at the Kalos league" Valerie suddenly was teleported back to her original position before the Battle and Mr Mime uses psychic to reward the Gym Badge to Ash

"Alright i got the fairy badge!" says Ash doing his signature victory pose, Serena tackles Ash and hugs him, Ash and Serena leaves the Gym to pursue their dreams.... Speaking of dreams what will Serena pursue?


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