Chapter 20: My Badge Is The Symbol Of Glory And My Life Is The Symbol Of Brave!

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This is da owner! This should be the longest chapter so far im combining a Gym chapter with a 18+ chapter, and also Ash would be using more Japanese cuz he's Japanese, he would start referring his pokemon with Japanese names and in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh he would start being called Satoshi Tajiri while in Unova, Kalos, Alola he would use English names and be called Ash Ketchum except for his Greninja he will forever be using Japanese words when using GEKKOUGA

"Alright guys! Me and Serena are going back to Kalos!" Ash shouted at the airport, Calem, Dawn, May and Max we're there, "Calem good luck on your Journey in Sinnoh" Said Ash, May then walks up to Ash and says "alright Ash have fun! But no toooo much fun" Ash and Serena looks at each other and then turns to May and says "MAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!", Everyone except Max laughed, Max didn't knew what it meant but May decided to say "Well your allowed to know when you are 18!", "KALOS-AIRLINES-VIP 256" the announcer, Ash and Serena say goodbyes and Ash and Serena boards on the Plane

Ash and Serena boards the plane, Ash decided to take a look at the Kalos news and Serena just watched, Ash and Serena was in a VIP room of the plane because Ash was the Master of the Battle frontier a respected title in Hoenn, Ash was shocked to hear "The Kalos league is starting next month!", Ash says to Serena, "Serena looks like we have to make a move, we may have to get my 4 Gym Badges in a month, good thing I have my Charizard, he's a fast rider" Serena nods and smiles, the waiter gets inside the VIP room and puts some food on the table, Ash and Serena digs in the food, "Well that's a good meal!" Ash says, it was getting night and waiters stopped entering VIP rooms so Ash and Serena are alone together for 4 hours, "Ya know what else is a good meal?" Serena says in a seductive voice while shaking her uhhh... How should i say this? Her Milk containers, Ash was completely Nervous, Serena was giving Ash a creepy smile

"Hey Ashy......" Ash said while leaning in closer, in the room there is a couch which can be turned into a bed, Serena presses the button that turned the couch into a bed, Serena begins to tear down Ash's clothes, Ash not wanting for his clothes to be ripped took his clothes off himself, Ash then unzips his pants and Serena takes off her clothes, Serena then takes off her Bra and Panties revealing her private parts, Serena grabs Ash's underwear and starts taking it off, Serena's mouth descended on Ash's thing or should i say Pen#s and starts sucking it, Ash and Serena are one of the only 5 people in the plane and all the rooms are far away and all the rooms are put some devices to make sounds nit heard in a room so for example nobody can hear what is going on in Ash's room

Serena starts riding Ash, Ash used uhhhhh.... String shot? Inside Serena's puss- SUBSCRIBE!, Ash and Serena went tired and Serena once again ate that pills to prevent pregnancy, Ash and Serena slept like rocks in Mt Silver, undisturbed

"Ash!!!!! HELP!!!!!" Shouted Serena, Ash quickly jumps off Prism Tower to save Serena, Serena lived but at a cost... Ash's eyes went black as the last thing he saw was Serena crying then suddenly... "PIKA! CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu used thunderbolt on Ash waking him up from his dream, Ash did recalled he had to ssve the world but he did remember that he will have a dream of Arceus AGAIN once the quest is finished, Maybe team flare is not the only evil team potentially destroying the universe..... "Ash Ketchum it is time for Lunch!" Serena says, A plane attendant went inside the room to deliver the food, Ash and Serena once again descended on the food like hungry monsters, once Ash and Serena finished the pilot announced "We are arriving in Kalos please be ready to land!" Ash and Serena packed their things into their bags, The plane lands, Serena was about to fall but Ash saved her, they both bumped into the wall and laughed

"Im back in Kalos!" Ash says while stretching his arms, just like his arrival in Kalos he falls down to the ground, "Oh my" Serena says while giggling, Ash remembers the Lumiose city gym and he and Serena decided to go there

30 minutes later

"Hello Lumiose Gym! I'm Ash Ketchum and I'm back to challenge the gym!" Ash shouted "Are you always this embarrassing?" Serena said, a robot opens the door to the gym, a yellow colored haired boy stands at one side of the battlefield, "ah so you must be Ash Ketchum! I heard a lot about you, i guess you came for a battle, this should be your 5th gym so I'm not going easy on you! The Gym leader said, Ash nods,"The Battle between Ash Ketchum from pallet town vs the Gym leader of Lumiose city Clemont AKA the failure of inventions begins!" A yellow haired child shouts, Clemont said "BONNIE!!!!!!" Ash and Serena laughed,

"Go Luxray!" Clemont shouted

"Go Charizard!" Ash shouted

"BATTLE BEGIN!" Bonnie shouted

"Luxray use Thunder!" Said Clemont
Luxray starts jumping at the air to charge the Thunder and Ash immediately made a move

"Use Flamethrower!"
The Flamethrower hits Luxray before Luxray can charge the Thunder

"Finish it with Dragon Claw!" Ash shouted
Charizard begins to fly towards Luxray and uses a single Dragon Claw making it faint

"Alright Magnezone let's go!" Clemont Shouted
Magnezone then appeared out of its pokeball

"Magnezone use Thunder!" Clemont Shouted
Charizard and Ash was unaware but by their surprise Charizard fainted by the thunder

"Alright Charizard take a good rest! GO GEKKOUGA!" Ash shouted, Greninja appears out of it's pokeball in a Ninja pose

Ash then starts saying Japanese words until he says his most iconic phrase

Greninja changed appearance as it resembled Ash in a way called Satoshi-Gekkouga

"Alright so that's the 'Legendary' Greninja everyone has been talking about!" Clemont confidently said

Greninja made a larger Water Shuriken, The Shuriken turned orange and Satoshi-Gekkouga threw the Orange Shuriken onto Magnezone who fainted


Ash and Greninja high five while Pikachu was eating ketchup

"Brother look! A Pikachu and it's sooooo cuteeeeeee!!!!!" Bonnie says, Ash received a message from Max (Johto) and Sawyer he reads the message, both of them are currently doing the Gym challenges without Ash they wanted to get stronger on their own Ash replies 'Good Luck!', then a loud explosion was heard then Ash shouts "IT'S TEAM FLARE!" Ash stands in front of everyone in a defensive position, Satoshi-Gekkouga immediately gets ready to fight and Pikachu is storing it's electricity to it's max, Ash takes a nearby pipe and begins to smack the Flare grunts with it, more team flare grunts appeared with their Aggron's, Ash sees this at made a worried face trying to trick the enemy, Ash then hears a Metagross roars and he sees who it is...... "STEVEN STONE!" Ash shouted, Metagross was mega evolved and Steven was riding it, Steven commanded "Flash Cannon!" And Ash says "Long time no see Steven!" Steven says "Well it is an honor to help the Master of the Battle frontier" Ash and Steven then commanded their Pokémon to attack, Serena, Clemont helped snd Bonnie was hiding inside a Cold War Shelter in the Lumiose underground network

"We meet again Ash" Calem said while assisting Ash, "Alright Calem let's do our best to end team flare!" Ash says but Calem simply walks towards the grunts and says "I inherited the spot as Team flare leader yesterday, now i disband team flare you all are going to Jail, im not because all the crimes we're my father's fault" This Shocked Steven but Ash wasn't that surprised, Team Flare tried to escape but with the help of Calem, Ash, Steven and the Police they successfully ended team flare, Calem was sent to court but he was later pardoned by Ash's request, Ash receives his 5th Badge and you know... MORE FANGIRLS!


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