A TFA Thought

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So I keep thinking about Luke's line in the new trailer.

"The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power too."

Last night during the Mark Hamill panel at Anaheim, he was making fun of how weird, and slightly dumb, the line is.

He said that it took a lot of different tries to get it correct.

But there was one thing he said that I had noticed previously, but didn't give much thought too.

I quote to the best of my memory. "It took awhile for me to get it right. 'The Force is strong in my family. My father had... I mean... has it...'"

It's interesting how he refers to Vader in the present tense.

Theories on this?

I think we might see a few Force Ghosts. At least, I hope we do.

What do you think?

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