Star Wars Rebels: Mid-Season Trailer Review

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I'm legit dying right now.

Before I start, let me thank Rebel_Soul_ for pointing this trailer out to me. Like I said, I'm dying. So, the Wattpad app isn't letting me add the video to the chapter, so here's the link:
Go watch that and then come back.

Let's begin!!

We open up with three characters, Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka, who are looking at this pyramid thing. I don't know what it is, but it occurs frequently throughout the trailer. I'll tell you every time it does.

"To defeat your enemy," *cue bright red lens flare* Darth Vader, Inquisitors, stormtroopers, the norm. Then, Ahsoka doesn't seem to finish her sentence. She proceeds to say, "There's always a bit of truth in legends." Hold up... The heck does that mean?????!?!?!?! Help me on this, guys!!

Ships. Well get to those in a minute.

"The Empire's making our trips to the Outer Rim tougher all the time." Before I keep going, I need to point something out. Anybody noticing a recurring theme? Whenever a trailer drops, it always seems to be Kanan who gets the biggest speaking parts. I don't think this is very important, I just think it's interesting. Anyway, we see Pheonix squadron getting tossed around like rag dolls and the Empire kicking butt.

"Everywhere we go, we run into those guys." Kanan, of course, says. The trailer shows Ezra and Kanan battling the 5th Brother and the 7th Sister. Again. I really like the 7th Sister. She's awesome. Your rock, Sarah Michelle Gellar!!!

If you look at these frames carefully, you see something very similar to the things we got in the previous trailer: the Inquisitors beating on Ezra. Last time, it was 7 (I'm gonna call her that cause I don't wanna write 7th Sister every time.). This time, 5 (Deal with it.) does the same move. This time, though, Ezra blocks him very easily. His powers are growing!

Stormtroopers shooting at the Ghost crew while Ezra and Kanan are blocking the blasts. They seem to have an extra person with them.

A ship going.... I'm sorry? Where is that? Why are all these things floating everywhere? Dude???!!!

"Senator Organa heard about our losses..." It sounds like they cut something off right there. This is Hera btw. "He's sending us reinforcements." I think this might actually be the next episode. I get to why eventually.

The three ships that are obviously reinforcements. And now let's talk about those ships! Alderaanian. Definitely. It's safe to presume that the lead ship contains Leia and the other two are escorts or carriers.

And then... "Cham Syndulla. At your service." Yay!!! I've been hoping we see Hera's dad. He was awesome during the Clone Wars and in Lords of the Sith. Let's keep going with him. Without him, a lot of the stuff that went down wouldn't have.

Twi'leks firing things.

Leia shoots things while yelling, "Get down!"

"You're a princess." Ezra remarks. *gives round of applause* "You don't have to risk your life doing this." The picture of Ezra's parents in the background is obvious.

Leia goes on. "I feel like, because I can fight, I have to for those who cannot. And I think you might be the same way." We see Ezra rescuing a pedestrian from stormtroopers via the Force. Point in case.

The next jumble of images is really cool. Here's an overview: Inquisitors, decimated village, Sabine shooting giant spiders.  The first thing I notice, though, (call me a nerd) the music. It's Ahsoka's theme. It was changed up a bit, of course, but I noticed it immediately.

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