Holy Week

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If anyone doesn't know what I'm going though, just read this, then add in hours of violin and handbell practices, a stressed father, and preparations for the Easter breakfast, and you've got my life. IT'S SOOOOOOOOO STRESSFUL WTH

Oh yeah. There's at least one church service on each one of these days (well, except for Holy Saturday. There'll be one next year though). Two on Palm Sunday, one on Maundy Thursday, two on Good Friday (one of which is 3 hours), there would be a candlelight service on Holy Saturday, and two on Easter Sunday (with a breakfast in between)

 Two on Palm Sunday, one on Maundy Thursday, two on Good Friday (one of which is 3 hours), there would be a candlelight service on Holy Saturday, and two on Easter Sunday (with a breakfast in between)

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So yeah. I've asked this in an announcement, but I'll say it again here. Any of my followers Christian? I really wanna know, to see if anyone's understanding any of my rants and whatnot, and just to see

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