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(^^ the violin/cello duet in this is stuck in my head rn lol)


I'm just gonna copy/past what I put on tumblr lol

There's NOTHING to explain the experience of hearing your favorite musical/music played live in front of your eyes, so I won't even try.

When I looked at the program to see the cast list, I was just about blown out of my shoes because fucking CHIBUEZE IHUOMA WAS PLAYING ORPHEUS!!!!!! I heard him sing some stuff in a few videos, and hoped he would be there (I'm not terribly familiar with the cast so idk if he was still a swing/understudy or actually Orpheus) and was so happy that I got to see him perform!!!

Hannah Whitley was Eurydice, and she was amazing also. I loved how rough her voice was, and how it kind of flipped into falsetto at the end of her notes sometimes.

Everyone else absolutely slayed. I wasn't the hugest fan of Matthew Patrick Quinn as Hades (he talked too many of his lyrics imo), but he was still great.

My dad watched it with me, and I was excited for him to see it because he likes Anaïs Mitchell's other music. He had only listened to the concept album way back around when it came out and read some articles and reviews beforehand saying that it was really political, so he was really wary of it. He said to me after he had seen the whole thing that he wanted to dislike it so bad after the first act, but the second act won him over. We were both sobbing our eyes out during Epic III/Instrumental/Promises lol

Anyway, I couldn't say enough good things about it even before I saw it live, but I love it even more after. Nothing like having your comfort music played live and blaring in your ears <3

And now, here's some pictures!!!

Before the show

Before the show

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I was super scared of how high we were (the seats are practically stacked on each other), but if you don't look at it too closely it's fine

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I was super scared of how high we were (the seats are practically stacked on each other), but if you don't look at it too closely it's fine. I was shaking uncontrollably at first though lol

 I was shaking uncontrollably at first though lol

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Here's the obligatory stage-with-playbill shot lmao

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Here's the obligatory stage-with-playbill shot lmao

Here's the obligatory stage-with-playbill shot lmao

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And for some reason it won't let me post the picture of me in front of the poster in the lobby, so I'll just put that one at the top lol

Y'all have no idea how much of a big deal this was for me. It's probably the closest I'll ever come to seeing a Bway show. Tickets for these things are expensive. It was a stretch for us to even get two $40 tickets. I've waited so so long for an experience like this, and although I hope to have it again one day, it might not be possible, so I savored it while I could :))

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