Chapter 2: happy hunting

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(Hello everyone! : D back at it again lol hope you enjoy it!)
POV By jack:
I sighed as I quickly did my job. I hated      my job so much. I really only got this job because I have my to do. I really would prefer if fredbear let me die.

I walked to the main dinning hall where Dave was. He was in the spring Bonnie suit. He was keeping the kiddins entertained. I watched him happily. 'He's so adorable' I thought smiling brightly.

POV by Dave:
'I hate kids' I thought as I had to entertain them. I suppose I felt well enough to kill some of them. So I quickly made sure the kids follow me.

I quickly went into the saferoom. The kiddins followed me softly behind. I smiled sinisterly at them. I then closed the door and turned over to them.

POV by jack:
'Oh god where did Dave go?!' I thought quickly looking around the restaurant for him. He was entertaining the kids a second ago. I preyed he wasn't doing what I thought he was doing...

I looked around everywhere for him. I went to the prize corner to see if he was there stealing some shit. "Hey Matt" I said waving to the smiling man who was standing near the music box.

"Hello jack" he said simply back to me. The music box started to shake open. The puppet looked up at me smiling softly. "Hello jack" she said to me.

"Hey dee!" I greeted her smiling brightly. She quickly turned to Matt and motioned him to leave. He sighed but did leave the room.

"So...are you going to help save the souls of the dead children?" She asked me. I turned away from her quickly. I sighed and nervously laughed. "I don't know.." I said softly scratching the back of my head.

Dee sighed as well and looked away from me. She looked around the restaurant. Her face quickly turned to worry. "You alright..?" I asked her softly.

"Where are all of the children today?" She asked me concerned. I looked around and realized as well. 'Oh no..' I thought worrying about the kids.

"Hold on I'll be right back!" I told her quickly leaving the prize room. Matt saw me run away and walked back to the room.

I quickly made my way to the saferoom. The door was locked...'shit..' I thought as I knocked on the door. "Dave..?" I asked softly and worry in my tone.

The door opened quickly and Dave was there. He seemed to be sweating and his face was covered with.....something red. "Oh Heya sportsy!" He said cheerfully smiling at me.

"Uh...hi Dave" "may I come in?" I asked him nervously. I couldn't help staring at his face that is covered in...blood.

I just kept staring for a while. Eventually, Dave waved a hand in my face. "Sportsy?" He asked me. I quickly shook my hand. "Uh-" "can I come in?" I said nervously.

'I loved him....I love him so much!' 'Ugh why dose he have to be a fucking child murderer!' I thought nervously and sadly.

"Sure!" He said smiling brightly and moving the door for me to walk in. I did so and looked around caustically. The room looked the same as it always did.

It even smelled the same. The smell wasn't good surprisingly wasn't dead kids! I sighed in relief.

"So..ima go and eat some kebabs" "see ya later sportsy!~" Dave said smiling and winking at me. I quickly hid my face so then he wouldn't see me blushing. He then left the room.

I sighed in relief once again. 'I'm gonna need to stalk him today after work' I thought smiling happily. (Normal thing to say lol)

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. *what he didn't know however was that the other suits in that room were filled with dead kiddins and their blood was starting to leak onto the floor*

*Hours later*
'Finally... the day is over' I thought sighing. 'I can go home now!' I quickly left work and walked home.

Once I got home I quickly got dressed into a new outfit. It was a orange jacket that had a hoodie. I put it on and pulled it over my head. 'Time to see davey' I thought happily as I left my house.

I walked all the way to Dave's home. He was inside in his kitchen. He seemed to be making something. I just watched him for a while. He eventually was done cooking, he made kebabs. 'Ah of course' I thought laughing to myself.

He sat down and started eating. I took out my camera and started to take pictures of him. Smiling brightly I put the pictures and camera into my bag. Once I was done I Left his house and walked back home.

POV by Dave:
'Yummy those were good kebabs!' I thought happily after finishing my food. I quickly got ready. 'I should go visit sportsy!' I thought happily. I put on a purple jacket. It had a hoodie so I put it over my head.

I left my house and went to sportsys. Once I got there it was late. The stars were out and the sun at already set. I didn't care though, I just jumped into a window. The window was in a hallway and near sportsys room.

I quickly walked to the purple door. 'Purple door?' 'I didn't know sportsy had anything purple in his house!' I thought surprised. I was about to open the door when I heard snoring. It was coming from the white door next to it.

'Oh that's his bedroom!' I thought laughing to myself. I walked over to the white door and opened it. There he was, sleeping on his orange bed. I slowly and carefully walked into the room and went under his bed.

'I'm sure sportsy wouldn't mind if I slept on the floor' I thought as I sat down on the floor. I looked at him with bright white eyes. I watched him sleep for a whole hour until I fell asleep on the floor.

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