Chapter 7: goodbye fazbears!

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(Hello again! Hope you enjoy this chapter : D)

POV by jack:
"So...what's the plan?" I ask him still pretty bummed out. He smiles devilishly. "I have two robots here that we can use to TERRORIZE phone dude!" He told me.

My eyes widened a little. I know too well that these robots are dangerous. I turn to the corner of the back room where two robots sat.

One was foxy, the pirate that for whatever reason people wanted know- and then ballon boy. The most annoying thing in this whole restaurant.

"I've done some calculations and I've realized these two robots are most likely be able to terrorize phone guy!" Dave explained to me.

Dave's smile grin even wider, he was already laughing too. "This is it, old sport!" "People are going to remember this event for many years to come!" "They'll call it....'the bite of 87'!" He laughed again.

I just kept looking at the robots. Still wondering what there going to do to phone guy exactly. "Since you've been so good thus far, you can pick out which one I get to 'fix'" "keep in mind I only have time for one!"

I nodded to him slowly, then looked at both of the robots. Foxy seemed like a interesting choice, due to that fact he loves him. Also because foxy is generally more scary than ballon boy.

But then I thought....ballon boy is a robot everyone hates! He isn't generally scary but maybe Dave would make him more creepy for the plan? So, thinking it over a bit I finally decided.

"I choose the horrifying plastic- ballon- toddler" I told him pointing to the ballon boy. Dave smiled brightly, he probably would be happy either way.

"Excellent choice!" "He hates this character" Dave celebrated. "I don't think anyone likes ballon boy" I told him simply as I stared at the scary clown child.

"That's true" "I hate it" Dave said laughing again. "I'll get working on the robot once you leave, old sport" he told him. I smiled at him nodding.

I still can't believe I'm going along with this....but it's too late now. I already murdered children and a janitor....also I messed with robots but I feel like that's not as bad as murder.

"Alright we'll then I guess I'll leave now" "see ya tomorrow, Dave" I told him waving goodbye. He quickly waved goodbye to me still smiling.

I went home and eventually went to sleep. I was scared and weirdly....excited for tomorrow. I still feel bad for everything I've done...but with Dave by my side it doesn't feel as bad.

The next day, I woke up still a little scared and excited at the same time. I was about to get out of bed when Dave appeared in my bedroom.

Dave was just staring at me looking very tried. He had big bags under his eyes and his mouth was open. My eyes widened as I could feel my face heat up.

"....oh my god....Dave's in my bedroom..." I said nervously under my breath. I quickly moved a little in my bed. "Hey, been here long?" I asked him still a flustered mess.

"Oh, since about 4 am" he said simply. I put my blanket over my face still super nervous. I didn't want him noticing my blushing face.

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