Chapter 6: springlocks

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(Hello! Sorry for the late update- been busy anyways only a couple more chapters to go! Hope you enjoy)

POV by jack:
I walked into the restaurant the very next day. I sighed softly. I decided to go into the back rooms before phoney told me to.

When I walked inside dave was standing there waiting for me. He smiled brightly to me. "Heya sportsy!" "Ready for the final step of Dave's handy dandy 3 step plan?" He asked me.

I sighed once again this time longer. Then I looked into Dave's wonderful glowing eyes and said- "sure" he seemed to be surprised I wasn't excited. "What's the plan?" I asked him.

He quickly smiled again. "Glad you asked!" "We're going to make this suit go off" he said pointing to my fredbear suit.

My eyes widened confused and scared. 'But....that's my suit' I thought nervously. "Why?" I asked him scared. "To kill off a janitor of course!" "Jimbo the janitor" he told me.

"No...not jimbo..." I said sadly. He laughed and nodded. "It will get this place shut down for sure!" He said excitedly. I slowly nodded understanding. "Fine.." "I'll start working on it now" I told him simply.

He jumped up and down. Clearly very excited for the plan to be completed. I just sat down on the floor. I immediately started working.

"I'll go rob a store to get us some beer" Dave told me smiling brightly. I softly smiled back to him nodding. Even though he is a psychopath, he was still really nice.

Hours passed as I worked on this robot suit. Me and Dave were just talking about random stuff since we were drunk. " done with that robot?" Dave eventually asked me.

I nodded to him looking at the robot that I filled with sticky puddy. He smiled sinisterly at it. "Great!" "Now make sure to come into work late tomorrow" he told me trying to stand up. He was very much drunk.

He almost fell over but I quickly caught him. He looked up at me with a goofy smile. I chuckled as I tried to get him to stand. He couldn't- so I just held him as we walked home.

Eventually, he could walk again and went inside his house. I waved goodbye to him and walked home. I went to bed wondering what would happen the next day....I hoped for the best.

POV by Dave:
The next day I woke up and quickly called sportsy. "Heya sportsy!" I greeted him still a little tried. "Remember not to come into work until later today" I reminded him.

He didn't really answer me but I heard breathing. So I just guessed that he heard me. I hanged up. Going back to sleep.

POV by jack:
I got Dave's call but I didn't say anything. I was really tried. After he was done calling me I checked my missed calls.

There were a lot...all of them from phone head. Most of them were the same. Just him screaming at me to get to work.

I just went to sleep listening to all of them. When I woke up, I got ready for work. It was late just like Dave said to be.

I eventually got to work and walked inside. I was immediately greeted by phone face. "EMPLOYEE WHERE WERE YOU?!" "I had to have jimbo wear your suit!" He yelled at me.

"Where is jimbo?" I asked nicely. Trying to stay as calm and non suspicious as I could. "He's in the party room" he told me.

I quickly walked over and he followed me. We made our way to the party room. There we saw jimbo in the fredbear suit. He was entertaining kiddins.

"Look at me, father!" "I hope I make you proud!" Jimbo called to phone guy. He nodded to him. As he started to dance around though, the spring locks did what they do.

He immediately screamed in pain as the spring locks pressed against his skin. He fell to the ground a bloody mess. Phone guy watched in horror. As I just stared blankly.

It wasn't that fun....not that I thought it was gonna be though. Phone guy turned to me. Even though he had a phone for a head I could tell he was glaring at me.

" office Now" he yelled at me. I looked at him scared. Shit....I thought. "Ummm- actually I think I need to go see d-" I said but was cut off. "NOW!" He yelled running to his office.

I quickly followed scared of what would happen if I didn't. Once I got there phone guy was standing glaring at me. I sighed softly as I walked over to him.

"Employee...I know you have something to do with that suit going off" "and the missing children" he told me pretty calmly. I didn't know what to say. He was right....but I didn't want it to be.

"How do you know it wasn't someone else?" I asked him cautiously. "Because I can smell them" "everywhere....but especially on you" he said angrily.

I again didn't know what to say. How on earth could you smell them? You don't have a nose...but I felt like that wasn't a good answer right now. "Dave may be crazy.....but you" "you're a monster" he told me.

His words slapped me in the face. I wanted to yell at him that I wasn't but then he continued. "That's're fired" "I don't want to see you here again" he told me coldly.

I looked at him widely. "But-" I tried to explain but he cut me off again. "GET....OUT" he yelled at me slowly. I quickly got out of his office.

What about dee? My sister lives in this place. I won't be able to see her again....and it's all my fault. I went to the back rooms to talk to Dave before I would leave for good.

I opened the door and he quickly looked up at me. He smiled brightly. "Sportsy!" "We did it!" "Now let's go to Vegas" he celebrated. All I did was sigh.

He realized I was upset and tilted his head. "You okay old sport?" He asked me. "Phone guy fired me..." I told him.

He looked at me surprised. Then he seemed to scowl. "That stupid phone face..." he growled. He then looked back at my sad face. He sighed. "Look, my plan was to be done for the day and go to Vegas but this is clearly effecting you" he said softly.

I looked at him tilting my head. "So, we're going to do one last thing before we leave" "we're going to torture phone face" he said smiling sinisterly. I was sort of surprised but also not.

I already knew he hated phone guy before. But he was doing this for me. This wasn't apart of his plan. Despite that he wanted to help me. It wasn't in a good way.....but it was nice that he cared about my feelings.
(Only a couple more chapters left!)

Davesport (yandere story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz