Ch. 1 Oversoon

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Of all the floating islands above the western oceans of Avalik, the most welcoming had to be the quaint enclave of Grey Moss. A small city amongst the swampy skies, known for their kelp, Magecraft, and the worship of the nature god Miremoss among other traveling deities. The old god of all things that grow in unwanted places comfortably rested in the garden square as the city modernized around him. The industrial innovations of recent years had caused the old spirit's power to wax and wane in the last decade or so, but the more things changed the more there'd be those that believed the same.

Many travelers passed through Grey Moss and plenty of them would take the time to see an old deity such as he. Devout followers of his obscure pantheon, missionaries and scholars seeking to explain or disprove his existence, and the curious adventurers and passersby that simply wanted to know what this god looked like.

Miremoss, like many deities, could take many forms, but preferred to take the shape of a ten foot tall pile of grey leaves that kind of had a face. He was also more of a watcher than a talker, and a still one at that. The most common topic of conversation visitors had in front of him was what his expression meant. Some thought Miremoss smiled, others frowned, a few thought him enraged, but very little knew the truth. He was anxious.

Today's pilgrim was a you g lass, dressed in city clothes, the robes of a mage in training. Her hair and eyes a glimmering silver, a sign of her Magecraft.

Mages were an odd and varied sort, some studied magic at universities like the one here on Grey Moss, others believed Magic wasn't something to comprehend, but to believe in, like the gods. They're often a spilt between a scholar and missionary, but most are respectful at least. This girl seemed irritated.

She sat on a nearby stump tapping her foot, impatiently checking the glass chronometer on her wrist.

"They should be here by now," She said, then stood to pace around only to sit again with more frustration. "Boggoth's hoard where are they? Am I late?"

"You're early," A deep whisper echoed through the trees. "Oversoon."

"Who said that?" The mage stood, swiveling her staff alight. "Show yourself or face the power of the Blyvia, the mistress of yesterday!"

An eerie stifling laugh filled the air. "I'm sorry. I don't talk to many, but careful the domains you claim young magus. The Queen of Knives is the divider of time in this hemisphere."

The girl turned to the pile of grey leaves awkwardly smiling back at her.

"Miremoss?" She asked.

The leaves rustled slightly. "Yes?"

"I thought you a silent lord," She said. "Perhaps even more symbol than true deity."

"Oh, sorry," He apologized. "I'm not used to being social. Practically all knowing and riddles are more my thing."

"I see," She paused. "What did you mean by early?"

"The fool's journey has yet to begin," Miremoss said. "The young man still fights in his meaningless war and has yet to anger the petty god."

"Oh," She sat down again. "That's inconvenient... can you tell me more about the journey."

"Sure," Miremoss said.

They stared at each other a moment.

"Now?" She asked.

"Oh, right," He said. "Let me think."

"You don't know?"

"Sure I know... I just don't remember," Miremoss explained. "A lot to memorize when you know practically everything."

She shrugged, figuring that made as much sense as anything else.

"Follow the parables," Miremoss began. "Seek the god of cities, scatter the leafs along the world tree, dance with the wolf queen, laugh at the lovers three, and never bet on red."

"Is that supposed to be a riddle?" She asked.

"Worse," Miremoss frowned. "A prophecy, half-true. I know a riddle if you'd like though."

"No thanks," She said, then began pacing again, "Which god of cities? What leads? You don't mean that wolf queen do you? Which lovers? Bet on red what?"

Miremoss pouted. "Oh, but it's a very good riddle."

Blyvia sighed. "Fine."

"What comes after spring, leaves more than offerings, calls up lightning, and leads into the cold?"

She paused, then said. "Fall?"

Suddenly she heard a loud screaming sound coming from above.

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