Parable 17: The Star

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A large fixed luminous point in the night sky. Infinite yet individual, these are the stars. Named for and like the myths and legends written through the eons past, present, and future.

If they wanted stars could align, take the visage of gods, to the people below. Some stars could do so alone. Most stars are dead, yet they shine so broken get from so far away no one could ever tell.

Once there was a little star. How they wondered who they are. Above the world, like a diamond, they pondered the meaning of everything. Their name was Mozdeus. Even among stars, ancient power nigh omniscient beings that they are, the young glimmer was a prodigy.

Their constellations had guided millions of mortals across the world. Their light has forged many a hope and dream, yet they have always wondered who they are and who they could be. So the Star decided to die. Immortal beings do this from time to time, Stars are no exception. Though this would not be a true death, they would no longer brighten the night sky, and in this time of darkness, reflect on their lack of existence. So that some day they may truly shine again.

The few truly living stars shined against the odds, pasts the warring lights of sun and moon, to make their mark on the world. These are the self proclaimed constellations that astronomer's dream of. If one should choose to gleam, none can stop them.

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