Ch. 6: He Speaks in Haiku

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Gywain headed to the docks, passing the bask of reptilian citizens that called Croc Isle home. Despite standing out with his softer pinker skin rather than harsh green and gray scales no one seemed to pay him mind. As if something about him was natural in this lounge of lizards. He couldn't help but think it had something to do with how Aurion changed him, by being his God Squire or whatever.

He was a brave no more, his body was physically the same, but the way he carried himself felt different.  The magical clothes he wore depicted the night sky.

Though he'd lost his past in this rebirth, he felt a familiar sense of power welling within him and the sword at his side. He'd need somewhere to figure out the blade and this power, but figured a public market wasn't the best starting point.

He found himself in what seemed like a town square with a large crowd surrounding a two lizards, one scrawny and fancy dressed, the other buff hooded and holding a big rope.

"This here is a criminal," The fancy one said. "Guilty of spreading the false gospel of peace that the sorry Empress lies of. As if the Beasts to the west could ever align themselves with us fine and good Reptiles."

Many of the crowd cheered, though Gywain spotted a few hesitant onlookers and indifferent passers by. The big lizard started to tie the rope around the man's neck and tossed over the long end.

"Do you have any last words convict?"

The so-called criminal was a shorter human man with light red hair with friendly smile that did not reach the cold distance in his eyes. His attire, though torn, seemed usually well kept, like a traveling actor of some kind. He did not seem to fear his imminent death.

"I do not die today," He said confidently as the executioner prepared to pull. "There's a star man watching me now. His light will guide me."

The buff reptile pulled the rope, but just as the man began to pull Gywain jumped over the crowd and cut the rope. His starry armor had returned as the crowd gawked at him and the stranger coughed up a little.

"Cutting it close, aye?" The stranger said. "Thought I'd be dead in a sec. Thought she lied to me."

The man spoke in a strange pattern, but Gywain didn't have time to consider what to do, the crowd was composing themselves, they had to leave.

"Which way to the docks?" Gywain asked.

He pointed, Gywain lifted the short man over his shoulder and jumped. This time much higher, he seemed somehow able to control the wait in which he rose and fell, more to figure out later. He saw the boats in the distance and landed on a smaller one with a single crocodile aboard.

"Sail!" Gywain demanded as he pointed his sword at the sailor. The croc didn't argue, smoke began to come out of the top of the boat and they slowly but surely began to depart.

Gywain dropped the stranger to the floor and turned his sword on him.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"I am Shemuel," He said. "I am to guide and be guided. I am the Hanged Man."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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